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Definition of hipster

Hipster is a term from the English language that the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) does not include in its dictionary. The Urgent Spanish Foundation – Fundéu BBVA, however, recommends its adaptation as hipster, with an accent on the letter I. In the 1940s, a subculture associated with jazz began to be called hipster […]

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Definition of emphasis

The term emphasis refers to the act of leaning on the foot for strength or support. However, beyond this first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary, the concept is usually used within the framework of an adverbial phrase. Emphasizing, in this context, refers to emphasizing, […]

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Definition of Hinduism

Hinduism is a religion that arose from elements of Brahmanism and Vedism of antiquity. It is the most professed faith in Indian territory. Hindus believe in reincarnation and a multiplicity of gods (they are polytheists). Societies organized according to the precepts of Hinduism, by […]

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Definition of anthem

The concept of hymn, which comes from the Latin hymnus (in turn derived from the Greek hýmnos), has several uses. It may be a poetic work dedicated to praising certain heroes or divinities. These compositions can also serve to glorify an individual or to celebrate a certain event, such as a military victory. It also allows […]

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Definition of row

A row is formed from the arrangement or online organization of various elements. It is a succession of human beings, animals or objects where each member is placed behind the other. For example: “The line of young people waiting for the stadium doors to open is getting longer,” “I like […]

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Definition of prodigal son

A human being or animal is called a child with respect to its parents. Son, therefore, is the descendant of the parents. Said paternity bond can arise through biological procreation or through adoption. The idea of ​​son can also refer to an individual with respect to his nation, his province, […]

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Definition of thread

The concept of thread, which comes from the Latin word filum, refers to a thin, elongated strand of a textile material. Threads are used to sew: joining two or more pieces, fixing a garment by darning it. Clothing is usually made from the union of threads since many textile fibers […]

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Definition of hilarious

The first step we are going to take to know the meaning of the term hilarious is to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we have to emphasize that it is a word that derives from Latin, specifically, it comes from "hilarans, hilarantis" which, in turn, emanates from the verb "hilarare", which can be translated as "to cause […]

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Definition of hieratic

In order to discover the meaning of the hieratic term, it is necessary, first of all, to take the step of knowing its etymological origin. In this case, we can establish that it is a word that derives from Latin, exactly from “hieraticus” which emanates, in turn, from “hierateia” which can be translated as “priesthood.” However, those Latin terms […]

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Definition of blacksmithing

In order to know the meaning of the term blacksmithing, it is essential to discover, first of all, its etymological origin. In this case, we can establish that it derives from the word blacksmith, which comes from Latin, specifically from "ferrarius", which means "one who works with iron" and which is the result of the sum of two lexical components […]

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