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Definition of rebuke

The verb “increpar”, which comes from the Latin increpāre, refers to the act of scolding or scolding in a severe manner. We must emphasize that this Latin term is the result of the sum of two clearly differentiated lexical components: -The prefix “in-”, which in this case means “inwards”. -The verb “crepare”, which is synonymous with “to creak” and […]

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Definition of disjointed

The first step we are going to take to understand the meaning of the term incoherent is to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we have to explain that it comes from Latin, specifically from the word “inconexxo”, which can be translated as “not connected to another” and is the result of the sum of several components […]

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Definition of embedding

The etymological origin of the term “incrustar” is found in Latin. Specifically, it comes from the word “incrustare”, which is a verb formed from the sum of two lexical components of that language: the prefix “in-”, which among other things means “towards the interior”, and the noun “custra”, […]

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Definition of incongruity

The notion of incongruity comes from the Latin word incongruentia, which is a word that is presented as the result of the sum of several lexical components of said language: -The prefix «in-«, which is synonymous with «without» and «not». -The prefix «con-«, which is used to indicate «globally» or «totally». -The verb «gruere», which is used to indicate «in a general sense» or «in a general sense».

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Definition of unfinished

The first step we are going to take in order to discover the meaning of the term inconclusive is to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it derives from Latin and that it is the result of the sum of three lexical components of said language: -The prefix “in-”, which means “not” or “without”. -The prefix “con-”, […]

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Definition of nuisance

In order to discover the meaning of the term incordio, it is necessary, first of all, to know its etymological origin. In this case, we have to emphasize that it is a word that derives from Latin. We can precisely establish that the result of the sum of these two lexical components: -The prefix “in-”, which means “without” or “not”, […]

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Definition of unscathed

With its etymological origin in the Latin word incolŭmis, the term incólume is used to describe that which does not present damage or injury. The incorlume, therefore, is healthy. For example: “Despite the strong earthquake that occurred last night, the old church of the town remained unharmed”, “Under my government, freedom of expression […]

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Definition of subsection

The concept of inciso comes from the Latin word incīsus. It can be used as an adjective to refer to a style with interruptions or cut off, according to the first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary. Also as an adjective, inciso is used in archaeology to describe a piece decorated with superficial incisions. […]

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Definition of incense

According to the first definition included in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), incense is a gum resin from certain trees that, when burned, gives off a particular aroma. Gum resins, in turn, are fluids found inside some plants and that, when in contact with the skin, produce a scent that is […]

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Definition of incipient

The etymology of incipient leads us to incipiens, a Latin word. The concept is used to refer to something that is just beginning. Therefore, something incipient is taking its first steps and, due to time constraints, has not yet taken hold or reached a significant level of development. For example: “I am […]

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