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Definition of obituary

The etymology of obituary is not clear, according to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) dictionary. The term has several uses depending on the context, although it is always associated with a notification or a message. The first meaning mentioned by the RAE refers to the notice of the death of an individual who […]

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Definition of multicultural

Multicultural is an adjective used to refer to the convergence of a multiplicity of cultures. The concept, however, has various uses and specific meanings depending on the field. In general terms, it can be said that something characterized by the coexistence of several cultures is classified as multicultural. The term is often used to refer to a […]

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Definition of wordplay

A game is an activity that is carried out for the purpose of recreation. It can be a competition or an exercise that is carried out simply for the entertainment it provides. A word, meanwhile, is a linguistic unit that is differentiated from others through blank spaces in writing and […]

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Definition of generation of 98

The Latin word generatio came into our language as generation. This term has several meanings: in this case, we are interested in its meaning as the set of individuals who were born in similar dates and who, with similar social and cultural influences, share the same position regarding politics or art. From […]

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Definition of cultural diversity

The Latin word diversĭtas came to our language as diversity. The term is linked to variety and the coexistence of elements that are different or dissimilar to each other. Cultural, meanwhile, is that which is related to culture. Culture, in turn, is the set of habits, customs, knowledge, and […]

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Definition of generation of 80

The term generation comes from the Latin word generatio. The concept has several uses; in this case, we are interested in its meaning as the group of individuals who, with similar ages, cultural influences and social environments, share the same stance or position in an area of ​​art or thought. In this sense, multiple generations can be recognized […]

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Definition of uncountable noun

The idea of ​​a noun is used in the field of grammar to refer to a name: a type of word that can designate different kinds of entities and allows the generation of nominal phrases that assume different roles. Nouns have number and gender, adapting to the circumstances of the message. Uncountable, meanwhile, is a […]

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Definition of countable noun

The idea of ​​a noun is used in the field of grammar to refer to the class of words also known as names. Nouns or names have number and gender, designate different types of entities and can develop nominal phrases with different syntactic roles. The adjective countable, meanwhile, comes from the noun […]

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Definition of verbal communication

The idea of ​​communication, which comes from the Latin word communicatio, refers to the transmission of a message using a code shared by the sender and the receiver. Verbal, meanwhile, comes from the late Latin verbālis and refers to that which is linked to the word: a linguistic unit that has meaning and is separated […]

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Definition of oral language

The Occitan word lenguatge came to our language as language. This is the name given to the capacity of expression and communication that people have through the use of a system of signs. The term can also be used specifically to refer to the system used for verbal communication (i.e. language) or to the language itself.

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