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Definition of underworld

Latin is where we can establish the etymological origin of the term underworld that we are now going to address. It can be literally translated as "world of spirits or the dead" and is the result of the union of several lexical components of that language: -The prefix "infra-", which is synonymous with "below" or […]

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Definition of infrastructure

Latin is where we can establish the etymological origin of the term infrastructure that concerns us now. Specifically, it is the result of the sum of the following lexical components: -The prefix “infra-”, which is equivalent to “below”. -The element “structus”, which can be translated as “piled up” or “built” and which derives from […]

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Definition of informal

The informal adjective is used to describe someone who does not respect forms (modes, rules). Informal, therefore, is linked to the irregular or unconventional. For example: "Analysts recorded an increase in informal employment at the national level", "The team played an informal match against […]

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Definition of infographic

Infographics is a concept that is used to refer to a technique focused on the development of images through a computer (computer). By extension, the image obtained through this procedure is called an infographic. The term comes from Infographie, a registered trademark. Nowadays infographics are usually used to represent information […]

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Definition of influence

The Latin word influxus came to Spanish as influx. This is what the act and result of influencing are called: causing an effect, exercising supremacy or predominance. Influence, therefore, can be used as a synonym for influence. For example: «My son is not bad, he surely acted under the influence of his cousin», «The poet […]

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Definition of inflection

The notion of inflection comes from the Latin word inflexio. The term has different meanings depending on the context. An inflection can be a bowing or twisting of something that, until then, was flat or straight. The concept also refers, in the field of geometry, to the point of a curve at which […]

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Definition of infiltration

Infiltration is the act and consequence of infiltrating or infiltrating. This verb, in turn, has several meanings recognized by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The action of infiltrating is used in medicine to refer to the injection of a medication into a muscle or joint. The […]

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Definition of impregnable

The Latin word inexpugnabĭlis arrived in Spanish as impregnable. We have to explain that this Latin word is the result of the sum of several lexical components of said language: -The prefix "in-", which can be translated as "no" or "without." -The verb «expugnare», which is synonymous with «assault». -The suffix «-bilis», which is used to indicate «that […]

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Definition of inextricable

The first step we are going to take before fully entering into the meaning of the term inextricable is to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can establish that it derives from Latin, exactly from “inextricabilis”, which can be translated as “what cannot be unraveled” or “what one cannot get rid of”. One word […]

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Definition of inexorable

The first thing we are going to do in order to discover the meaning of the term inexorable is to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can establish that it is a word that derives from Latin, specifically from inexorabilis, which can be translated as "imperturbable" and that it is the result of the sum of several lexical components of said […]

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