

Latest articles in Culture

Definition of unusual

The etymological origin of the term unusual is found in Latin. Specifically, it emanates from the word insolitus, which is the result of the sum of two lexical components of said language: the prefix in-, which means "not" or "without", and the adjective solitus, which can be translated as "accustomed." ”. The unusual adjective allows […]

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Definition of toilet

Before entering fully into the meaning of the term toilet, we are going to proceed to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can emphasize that it derives from Latin, exactly from the word "inodorus", which is the result of the sum of the following lexical components: -The prefix "in-", which is used to indicate "no" or [ …]

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Definition of immortal

Originating from the Latin immortālis, the adjective immortal is used to describe someone whose life is eternal since they cannot die. Death, therefore, never comes to one who is immortal. It is important to keep in mind that every living being is born, develops and dies: there is no one who really […]

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Definition of immemorial

Immemorial is an adjective that is used to describe something that is very old; Due to its great antiquity, there are no memories or records of when it began or emerged. That is, there is no memory of its beginnings. For example: “The problems between both nations have existed since time immemorial”, “We are facing an immemorial conflict […]

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Definition of unintelligible

The term unintelligible, coming from the Latin word intelligibĭlis. We can establish that this Latin word is the result of the sum of two lexical components of said language: -The prefix «in-«, which means «no» or «without». -The word «intelligibilis», which can be translated as «understandable» and is formed from these components: the prefix «inter-«, which […]

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Definition of inhumation

The origin of the term inhumation is found in Latin. Specifically, it emanates from "inhumatio", which can be translated as "action and effect of putting underground" and which is the result of the sum of several lexical components of said language: -The prefix "in-", which is equivalent to "no" or […]

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Definition of enormous

Ingente is a concept that comes from the Latin word ingens. It is an adjective that qualifies something that is very big. Generally the term is used with reference to a large amount. For example: «The huge influx of protesters did not stop all day», «The club spent a huge […]

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Definition of infundio

The notion of falsehood is used with reference to false information that is disseminated with malicious intent. The lie can be associated with lies, slander or farce. For example: “To maintain that immigrants are responsible for the economic problems of this country is a lie”, “The lie was evident […]

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Definition of infuse

The verb infuse, coming from the Latin word infundĕre, is used to refer to the action of provoking a certain sensation or emotion in the mind. It is possible to instill different kinds of impulses. For example: “The objective of this type of group is to instill terror in the population to cause chaos and thus achieve […]

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Definition of impassable

The adjective impassable is used to describe what cannot be crossed. The verb overcome, for its part, refers to eliminating an obstacle; to free a person from an obligation; or to pass through something. Likewise, we can establish that it is a term that has its etymological origin in Latin […]

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