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Definition of jenga

Jenga is the name of a game invented by Tanzanian Leslie Scott. This woman, based in England, created the entertainment in the 1970s after having discovered a similar pastime in Ghana, calling it Takoradi Bricks. Years later, the product became known as Jenga, a term that, in the Swahili language, means […]

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Definition of cage

A cage is a structure developed with bars or grids that is usually used to confine animals. The term comes from the Old French word jaole. Depending on the type of species, cages have different characteristics. They are usually made of resistant materials so that the specimen remains captive and cannot escape. There are cages […]

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Definition of checkmate

The expression checkmate belongs to the field of chess. It is the name given to the move that ends the game and means that the player who managed to execute it wins. When a player puts his opponent’s king under direct threat, he puts him in check. In this situation, the opponent must […]

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Definition of javelin

The first step we are going to take to understand the meaning of the term javelin that we are dealing with here is to discover its etymological origin. In this case, it must be indicated that it comes from the French word «javeline», which is the result of the sum of two components: the noun «javelot», which can be translated as «javelin lance», and the noun «javelot», which can be translated as «javelin spear ...

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Definition of hoist

The verb to hoist, whose etymological root is found in the French word hisser, refers to the action of raising something by pulling the rope from which it is hanging. The flags and sails of a boat, for example, are hoisted. Among the words that can function as a synonym for hoist are […]

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Item definition

In order to proceed to discover the meaning of the term item, it is necessary, first of all, to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it is a word that derives from Latin, specifically from “item”, which can be translated as “in the same way” or “also”. The concept of item has several uses. The term can be used to refer to […]

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Definition of itinerant

Before going into the meaning of the term itinerant, we will proceed to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it is a word that derives from Latin and is the result of the union of several lexical components of said language: -The noun “iter, itineris”, which can be […]

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Definition of isometry

The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognizes three meanings of the term isometry. The first of these refers to the equivalence or correspondence of measurements. In the field of geometry, the idea of ​​isometry refers to the link established by two figures that maintain the distances between the corresponding points. Isometry can be obtained through […]

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Definition of isotype

When looking up the term isotype in the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) dictionary, we will notice that the concept is not part of the publication. However, its use is quite frequent in our language; it appears mainly in two contexts: in the field of design and in the field of biology. The idea of ​​isotype is […]

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Definition of ism

The term ism is used to name a philosophical, literary or artistic movement, especially when it is ephemeral. Isms are generally avant-garde movements that are characterized by innovation or their experimental nature. An ism questions the status quo and seeks to transcend accepted limits. It is common for it to contradict the norms of the […]

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