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Definition of laminate

Laminate is an adjective used to describe something that is provided with sheets. The concept also refers to the act and result of laminating: making sheets or covering something with this type of sheets. To understand what a laminate is, we must first focus on the idea of ​​a sheet. This is what laminate is called […]

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Definition of kung fu

Kung fu, accepted by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) as kung-fu or kung fu, is a martial art similar to karate, whose origins are found in China. The etymology of the concept refers to gongfu, a Chinese word formed by gong (which can be translated as “merit”) and fu (which means “master”). The roots of kung fu are […]

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Definition of kosher

The Hebrew word kāshēr, which can be translated as “appropriate,” came to Yiddish as kosher. The concept is accepted by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) and is used in our language to describe food that is obtained and prepared according to the norms of Judaism. Kosher, therefore, is what is appropriate […]

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Definition of kaizen

The concept of kaizen is formed from two Japanese ideograms: kai (which can be translated as “change”) and zen (“beneficial”). It is a notion used in the corporate field that refers to a process of continuous improvement based on concrete actions. Kaizen appears as a management method that involves […]

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Definition of karate

Karate is a term of Japanese origin that can be translated as “clean hand”. Specifically, we can establish that it is the result of the sum of two lexical components of the Japanese language: the adjective “kara”, which means “clean”, and the noun “te”, which can be translated as “hand”. In our language, the accentuation of the “te” is also accepted.

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Definition of minstrel

The notion of a minstrel dates back to the Middle Ages. This was the name given to someone who went from town to town reciting, singing, dancing or entertaining people. Minstrels could even perform before nobles and monarchs. Minstrels were therefore travelling artists. They usually displayed their talent in […]

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Definition of JPEG

JPEG is the acronym for Joint Photographic Experts Group, a committee of specialists who devised a standard for encoding and compressing digital images. JPEG is also the name of the format that identifies this type of document and the extension of the files in question. It can therefore be said that JPEG is […]

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Definition of rider

The first thing we are going to do is to know the etymological origin of the term “rider” that we are dealing with now. Thus, we can establish that it is a word of Arabic origin that comes exactly from “zanati” and that was used to name the Moroccan soldiers who were hired in the Andalusian mercenary troops. Zeneta or […]

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Definition of tatters

The term jirón comes from the French giron, which can be translated as “lap”. The first meaning of the concept – whose plural is jirones – mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to the torn piece of a piece of clothing. For example: “The dog left my dress in tatters”, “The tatters of my shirt […]

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Definition of sheikh

The first thing we are going to do, before knowing the meaning of the term sheikh, is to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we have to explain that it is a word that derives from Arabic, specifically from “shaikh”, which can be translated as “old”. In classical Arabic, the word was used to refer to […]

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