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Definition of lexicography

In order to understand the meaning of the term lexicography, it is necessary, first of all, to discover its etymological origin. Thus, it must be emphasized that it derives from Greek, specifically it is the result of the sum of three lexical components of said language: -The word lexikós, which means «relating to the word» and which, in turn, […]

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Definition of lexeme

Before going into the meaning of the term lexeme, let’s discover its etymological origin. Thus, we can point out that it derives from Greek, specifically from lexeme, which is the result of the union of two components of said language: -The noun lexis, which can be translated as “word”. -The suffix -ma, which comes from the Greek word lexis.

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Definition of inclusive language

Inclusive language is a mode of expression that avoids definitions of gender or sex, encompassing women, men, transgender people and non-binary individuals alike. It is a notion that began to gain popularity in recent years. It should be noted that the idea of ​​language can be used in reference to the faculty […]

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Definition of colloquial language

The concept of language, which comes from the Occitan word lenguatge, has several meanings. It can refer to the faculty of expression and communication that human beings have; to a way of expressing oneself; or to language as a system of signs for communicating. Colloquialism, on the other hand, is something informal (that is, it does not […]

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Definition of motto

The etymology of motto takes us to the Latin lemma, which in turn derives from the Greek word lêmma. The concept refers to the title or phrase that allows us to summarize the spirit or idea of ​​a work, an event, an organization, etc. A motto, therefore, is an expression that reflects an ideal or a […]

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Definition of leísmo

The notion of leísmo is used in the field of grammar to refer to the replacement of the personal pronouns “lo”, “los”, “la” and “las” by the forms “le” and “les” in the direct object. This is a characteristic of the way of expression in certain regions, although it is not always considered correct from the […]

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Definition of leitmotiv

It is in German that we can establish that the etymological origin of the term leitmotiv that we are dealing with here is found. Specifically, it is the result of the union of two lexical components of that language: -The verb “leiten”, which can be translated as “to guide”. -The noun “motiv”, which is synonymous with “musical movement”. A term like this […]

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Definition of feature film

A feature film is a film that lasts more than one hour. The concept is therefore linked to the footage (from the French métrage): that is, to the length of the cinematographic proposal. If the film lasts a little less than sixty minutes, it is called a medium-length film. On the other hand, if the film lasts more than one hour, it is called a […]

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Definition of lacquer

The adjective lacquered, which can also be referred to as lacquered, is used to describe something that is coated with lacquer. The term also refers to the act and result of lacquering. It is therefore necessary to define what lacquer and lacquer are in order to understand the notion of lacquering. Lacquer is a type of material that is […]

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Definition of lapidary

The concept of lapidary comes from the Latin word lapidarius, which means “short” and which, in turn, comes from the Latin noun “lapis, lapidis”, which can be translated as “stone”. The first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to that which is linked to precious stones (stones that, due to their transparency, hardness […]

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