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Definition of prude

The origin of the term prude is very unique. In this case, we have to emphasize that it is the fruit of the union of two lexical components: -The word “mojo”, which derives from the onomatopoeia “meow”. -The noun “gato”, comes from the Latin “cattus”, which can be translated as “cat”. The notion of prude refers to someone who shows suspicions […]

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Definition of indicative mood

Before going into the meaning of the term indicative mood, we are going to proceed to know the etymological origin of the two words that give it form: -Firstly, mode comes from Latin, specifically from “modus” which can be translated as “manner” or “measure”. -Secondly, indicative also comes from Latin. In its […]

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Definition of mock

The first thing we are going to do, before going into the meaning of the term “mofar”, is to know its etymological origin. In this case, we have to emphasize that there are different theories about it. Thus, for example, on the one hand there are those who believe that it derives from Germanic. Exactly from the verb “mupfen”, which can be translated […]

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Definition of indirect modifier

The idea of ​​modifier is used in the field of grammar to refer to a linguistic element that introduces a modification in another. Indirect modifiers are part of this group. Before moving forward with the definition of indirect modifier, it is important to remember that bimember sentences have two members (that is, two constituents […]

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Definition of mode

It is in Latin that we can establish that the etymological origin of the term mode that we are now dealing with is found. Specifically, it comes from the word "modus", which can be translated as "measure" or "manner". Precisely starting from this we have to establish the existence of two expressions with that Latin word that are still used with […]

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Definition of dressmaker

The first step we are going to take to be able to know in depth the term modista that concerns us is to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we have to explain that it derives from Latin, since it is the result of the sum of the following lexical components: -The noun “modus”, which can be translated as “measure”. -The suffix […]

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Definition of direct modifier

The concept of modifier is used in the field of grammar to refer to a linguistic element that allows a modification to be made to another. In the case of direct modifiers, these are adjectives and articles that complement the meaning of the core of the subject. Specifically, we can establish that the direct modifier comes from the […]

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Mockup definition

A mockup is a model or prototype used to display or test a design. The term, which is not part of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) dictionary and comes from the English word mock-up, is usually developed to find out the opinion of users or consumers. Thanks to a mockup, a designer can analyze the design and […]

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Definition of backpack

A backpack is a kind of bag or purse that is carried on the back. For this purpose it has two straps that go over the shoulders. Backpacks can be used to carry all kinds of objects. They are very popular on trips and excursions, but they are also used in the school environment and even […]

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Definition of furniture

The notion of furniture, which comes from the French word mobiliaire, refers to a piece of furniture: movable elements that fulfill various functions in a home, an office, etc. The term can also be used to name the set of objects of this type that are in a property. For example: “When I moved, my parents […]

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