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Definition of pantograph

The notion of pantograph has two main uses, as detailed by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary. On the one hand, it refers to the articulated system that is placed on the roof of certain vehicles to take the current from an overhead conductor. On the other hand, the term refers to the tool that allows to reduce, enlarge […]

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Definition of pangender

According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), gender is the set to which a person belongs according to their sex, but not from a biological criterion, but taking into account a sociocultural perspective. Gender identity is known, in this framework, as the perception of a subject about themselves in […]

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Definition of panoply

The first step we are going to take in order to understand the meaning of the term panoply is to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we must establish that it derives from Greek, specifically from the word “panoply”, which means “collection of weapons” and is the result of the sum of three lexical components of the word […]

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Definition of panfilo

The Greek word pámphilos, which can be translated as “kind”, derived from the Latin proper name Pamphĭlus. The notion reached our language as pánfilo (or Pánfilo, with an initial capital letter, in the case of the proper name). The term is used as an adjective to refer to someone who is naive, clumsy or foolish. A pánfilo, in this context, is a […]

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Definition of tambourine

Pandereta is the diminutive of pandera, a musical instrument also known as tambourine. Tambourines have overlapping rings covered with leather, which have bells or jingles. When you hit the leather with your hand or fingers, the sound is produced. Tambourines, therefore, are small tambourines. They are part of the […]

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Definition of banner

The etymological root of banner is found in two words from the Greek language: pân (which refers to a “whole”) and chártēs (translatable as “paper”). These ideas derived, in low Latin, from pancharta, the closest antecedent of banner. According to the first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its […]

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Definition of bakery

A bakery is the place where bread is produced and/or sold. The term also refers to the occupation of the person dedicated to the production of this product. It should be noted that bread is a food that is prepared by cooking a dough made of flour, water and, generally, yeast. From this […]

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Definition of panacea

The Greek word panákeia came to Latin as panacēa, which in our language became panacea. The term can be used to refer to a medicine that is considered effective for the treatment of different diseases. Panacea is also used to refer to a solution that can be applied to any kind of illness. In ancient times, however, the […]

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Definition of hick

The etymology of palurdo takes us to the French word balourd, according to what is indicated by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary. Palurdo is an adjective that is used in a derogatory sense to refer to a brutish, coarse or illiterate individual. For example: “The company is in the hands of a palurdo who takes […]

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Definition of palmares

In French we can establish that the etymological origin of the term palmares that concerns us is found. Exactly, it comes from the Gallic word «palmarès» which, in turn, emanates from Latin. Specifically, it emanates from «palmares», which can be translated as «the one who deserves a palm». And it is that both in Ancient Greece and in […]

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