

Latest articles in Culture

Definition of Toltec culture

The Toltec culture identifies an important pre-Hispanic civilization of Mesoamerica that had Tula (Tollan-Xicocotitlan) as its capital. Although this community settled mainly in the region of the Mezquital Valley (a zone belonging to the Mexican state of Hidalgo), its art, culture and beliefs influenced regions of the Yucatan Peninsula and […]

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Definition of Zapotec culture

The Zapotec culture was an influential pre-Columbian civilization that settled in the highlands of southern Mesoamerica. The heirs of this ancient people who left behind such a cultural legacy live mostly in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, although there are also traces of them in Veracruz, Puebla and Guerrero. This community had a mirror […]

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Definition of moral norm

A moral norm is a rule that a community uses to define what is right, good, or appropriate. These precepts arise from the values ​​and principles that the members of a society share according to traditions. Moral norms are not coercive in a legal sense: this means that they are not coercive in the sense of law.

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Definition of social norm

A social norm is any guideline or provision that is established and accepted at a community level to guide, direct or mark the conduct of each member of the citizenry. These rules are based on respect and education. They invite people to adapt to a social context by complying with certain traditions, customs and demonstrating certain […]

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Definition of religious norm

A religious norm is any rule or regulation that establishes how a person of faith should behave, what habits they should adopt and how they should cultivate their beliefs. Regardless of the religious doctrine and the religion they profess, the faithful comply with the directives and orders of the authority corresponding to them.

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Definition of cultural landscape

Cultural landscape is a concept that refers to the effects, both concrete and symbolic, of human activity on a specific natural environment. It is a space that a culture perceives in a particular way based on its own material and intangible development. The actions of people, in this framework, produce […]

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Definition of graphic scale

A graphic scale is a visual representation made from a straight line that is segmented into identical parts and is characterized by being graduated. It serves to guide the observer of a map in terms of a perspective of the distances that actually exist between points that are being analyzed and, […]

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Definition of cultural geography

Cultural geography is a geographical branch that analyses the impact of human cultural activities on the territory. This discipline studies how an environment is modified by the settlement or displacement of a community. It can be said that cultural geography examines the effects that actions and products of human culture have on the territory.

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Definition of musical intelligence

Musical intelligence is, according to the theory of multiple intelligences that was promoted decades ago by a university professor, researcher and psychologist named Howard Gardner, one of the many capacities that humanity as a whole develops. In this case, it refers to the ability to make a rhythm, a melody or a musical instrument […]

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Definition of linguistic intelligence

Linguistic intelligence is the ability to use words effectively, whether speaking or writing. It is a key ability in communication and language learning, for example. Linguistic intelligence can be linked to the ability to master grammar, semantics, syntax, spelling and grammar.

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