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Definition of sgraffito

Sgraffito is the act and result of sgraffito. This action (sgraffito), meanwhile, refers to drawing with a graph, making pieces of the surface jump out to reveal the color of another layer. An ornamentation technique The technique that consists of developing this type of ornamentation is called sgraffito. For […]

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Definition of theatricality

The condition of being theatrical is called theatricality. The adjective theatrical, meanwhile, is used to refer to that linked to theater: the art of creating and representing dramatic works. General characteristics and examples Generally the idea of ​​theatricality refers to something exaggerated or pretentious, which tries not to go unnoticed. The theatricality, of […]

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Definition of setting

The process and result of setting is called setting. This verb (ambient) has several uses. Various meanings It is called setting to create an appropriate environment (an atmosphere, an environment) based on lighting, decoration and other elements. Setting is also showing social or historical characteristics through various details in a […]

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Definition of sarcophagus

The Greek word sarkophágos, which can be translated as "meat-eater", came to Latin as sarcophăgum. That is the closest etymological antecedent of sarcophagus, a term used to refer to the structure used to bury a corpse. A tomb A sarcophagus, therefore, is a tomb. These works are erected […]

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Definition of golden

Originating from the Latin word aureus, the term aureus is used to describe that which is made of gold or that is similar to this metal. The adjective is also used in reference to gold. Example sentences The use of the concept usually appears in poetic language. For example: “The sunset […]

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Definition of jewelry

Jewelry is the activity that consists of making jewelry. A jewel, meanwhile, is an ornament made of precious metals. More meanings and examples Beyond referring to the trade, the notion of jewelry has other meanings. It can also be used to name the place where jewelry is sold or produced […]

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Definition of jewel

A jewel is an ornament made of silver, gold or another precious metal, which often includes stones or pearls. The term comes from the Old French joie. Jewelry is ornamental elements used on the body. Rings, earrings or earrings and necklaces are some of the most used jewelry. Is […]

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Definition of chromatic

The Greek word chrōmatikós derived from the Latin chromatĭcus, which in turn came to Spanish as chromatic. This term refers to what is linked to colors. To know what the idea of ​​chromatic refers to, therefore, it is essential to define what a color is. This is the name given to the sensation generated by […]

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Definition of forge

The idea of ​​forging has several uses. The term comes from fabricāre, a word from the Latin language. The first meaning of forging mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refers to the forging of metals. The action of forging, meanwhile, consists of giving shape to a metal element by […]

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Definition of zoomorph

What is described as zoomorphic is that which has the appearance of an animal. The term comes from zōómorphos, a word from the Greek language. Animal shape Something zoomorphic, therefore, it has a shape that refers to some species of fauna. Zoomorphic sculptures, for example, were common in different cultures of Antiquity. […]

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