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Definition of stylist

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognizes three meanings of the term stylist. The most used today refers to the hairdresser who carries out his work with creativity, betting on innovation or following the latest trends. A hairdresser is someone who is dedicated to cutting hair and creating hairstyles. In a […]

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Definition of aniline

The Portuguese word anil, which can be translated as "indigo", came into German as Anilin, in turn derived from the French aniline. The concept arrived in our language as aniline. An amine Aniline is an amine: that is, a substance derived from ammonia (a gas that is formed with a nitrogen atom […]

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Definition of chandlery

A chandlery is a place where wax is stored, worked and/or sold. Wax, meanwhile, is a substance secreted by bees (the insect that also produces honey). The wax is solid but can melt. Bees use it to develop the cells of their honeycombs, while […]

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Definition of embroider

The verb embroider refers to decorating a fabric or some other material with embroidery. An embroidery, meanwhile, is a relief that is developed with a needle and thread. Embroidery The act of embroidering and the aforementioned relief work are called embroidery. It can be said that, when embroidering, you decorate a […]

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Definition of necklace

The etymology of collar takes us to the Latin word collāre, in turn derived from collum (which translates as “neck”). A necklace is an ornamentation that is placed on the neck. Neck accessory This is an accessory that surrounds the neck and, depending on its size or extension, can be used […]

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Definition of basket

The notion of basket lacks an unequivocal definition. According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), it is a basket whose mouth is narrow; However, a wide-mouth basket is also called a canasto. A basket or a basket At a general level, therefore, we can affirm that a […]

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Definition of blue

Blue is the color that, in the light spectrum, is in fifth place. It is a tone similar to that of the sea or the sky when there are no clouds. A primary color Since it cannot be generated by mixing other colors, blue is part of the group of primary colors […]

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Definition of mime

A mime is a manifestation of affection. Caress or cuddle A cuddle can be a caress or a cuddle. Pampering someone means showing them tenderness or love. For example: “I love giving cuddles to my nephew”, “I think someone wants cuddles…”, “My dog ​​really enjoys cuddles”. Although we usually pamper the […]

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Definition of film

A film is a film or cinematographic tape. The term comes from the English word film, which is also accepted by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary. Celluloid tape In the most limited or technical sense, a film is a celluloid tape with still images that, when projected consecutively […]

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Definition of iconology

Iconology is the study of symbolic images. In painting and sculpture In the field of painting and sculpture, iconology refers to the analysis of images, especially with regard to their symbolism. What iconology does is study how moral values ​​and vices are represented through […]

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