

Latest articles in Art

Definition of design

From the Italian disegno, the word design refers to a sketch, outline or scheme that is made, either mentally or on a material support, before the production of something is finalized. The term is also used to refer to the appearance of certain products in terms of their lines, shape and functionalities. For example: […]

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Definition of creativity

Engender. This is the literal meaning of the term creativity and is obtained by establishing its etymological origin. An origin that is found in Latin and specifically in the verb creare. Creativity is understood as the ability that someone has to create and the creative capacity to […]

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Definition of abstraction

From the Latin abstractio, the concept abstraction is linked to the verb to abstract (to separate the properties of an object through a mental operation, to stop paying attention to the sensible world to focus on a thought). Abstraction, therefore, is some of these actions or their effects. For philosophy, abstraction is a […]

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Definition of poem

A poem constitutes a composition of a literary nature that falls within the field of poetry. The text can be developed in verse or prose; In the latter case, we speak of poetic prose. In ancient times, all literary compositions were called poems, since the word derives from the verb […]

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Definition of poetry

Poetry is the manifestation of beauty or aesthetic feeling through words, whether in verse or prose. In any case, its most common use refers to poems and verse compositions. The word poetry comes from the Latin term poēsis, which in turn derives from […]

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Definition of theater

The term theater comes from the Greek theatrón. This word can be translated as the space or place for contemplation. Art, gender and building Theater is part of the group of performing arts. Its development is linked to actors who represent a story before an audience. This art, therefore, combines various elements, […]

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Definition of art

Art is a concept that encompasses all creations made by humans to express a sensitive vision about the world, whether real or imaginary. Through plastic, linguistic or sound resources, art – a term from the Latin ars – allows ideas, emotions, perceptions and sensations to be expressed. History indicates that, with the appearance of […]

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Definition of music

Music is the art that consists of giving sounds and silences a certain organization. The result of this order is logical, coherent and pleasant to the ear. Without a doubt, it is easier to feel and reproduce it than to explain or define it: we all understand what music is, but how many can put it into words […]

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