

Latest articles in Art

Definition of dramaturgy

The art of composing and representing a story on stage is known as dramaturgy. In turn, a playwright is one who writes works to be performed in theater or adapts other books to that format. The playwright, therefore, deals with both the writing of the texts and the design […]

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Definition of dramatization

Dramatization is the action and effect of dramatizing. This verb, in turn, refers to giving shape and dramatic conditions or to exaggerating with affected appearances, according to what is indicated by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). A dramatization is, in general, a representation of a certain situation or event. It […]

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Definition of folk dance

Folklore or folklore refers to the beliefs, practices and customs that are traditional to a people or culture. This includes stories, crafts, music and dance, for example. Dance, on the other hand, is the action of dancing, that is, the execution of movement to the rhythm of music. […]

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Definition of Dadaism

Dadaism is an artistic and literary movement that emerged during the First World War as a form of protest against the dominant aesthetic canons. The term has its origin in the French dadaïsme. Art historians name Tristan Tzara as the first promoter of this movement that mocked the demonstrations […]

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Definition of classical dance

Classical dance, also known as ballet, is a type of dance that has different techniques and specific movements. Ballet is also the name that refers to the musical piece composed to be performed through dance. This dance emerged during the Renaissance, when weddings and aristocratic events […]

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Definition of dance

Dance is the action or way of dancing. It is about the execution of movements to the rhythm of music that allows you to express feelings and emotions. It is estimated that dance was one of the first artistic manifestations in the history of humanity. It is important to highlight the fact that dance has […]

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Definition of cubism

Cubism is an aesthetic school and theory of plastic arts and design. It is characterized by the use of geometric shapes, such as cubes, triangles and rectangles. The movement was born in France and had its peak between 1907 and 1914. The term cubism comes from the French word cubisme, which was […]

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Definition of ceramics

Ceramics is the art of making objects from porcelain, earthenware and clay. The concept comes from the Greek keramikos, "burned substance" and refers not only to art, but also to the set of objects produced, to scientific knowledge about said objects and to everything belonging to or related to ceramics. Historians believe that the […]

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Definition of sketch

A sketch is the first trace, sketch or design made of a pictorial work or any other production of human creativity. The outline represents the first concrete step of the work, that is, the first materialization of the author's idea. In the artistic field, as we have mentioned, sketches are […]

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Definition of Gothic

From the Latin gothicus, gothic is an adjective that refers to that belonging to or related to the Goths. This was a people that was located behind the eastern border of the Roman Empire and was part of the group that the Romans called barbarians. This word was coined by the Florentine writer, Vasari, who […]

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