

Latest articles in Art

Definition of modernism

An artistic movement that took place from the 19th century onwards and whose objective was renewal in creation is known as modernism; using the new resources of poetic art, and leaving old trends aside, not considering them efficient. Although the term is applicable to the various movements […]

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Definition of logo

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) includes the term logo as a compositional element that means specialist with respect to what the first element indicates. For example: “Biologist” is a specialist in biology. The most common use of the concept logo, however, is associated with the idea of ​​logotype. It is a […]

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Definition of line

Line is a term from the Latin linea that has multiple uses. For geometry, it is a series of points that extends indefinitely and continuously in a single dimension. In this sense, a line can be a segment, a straight line or even a curve. The stroke has different lengths and characteristics […]

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Definition of impressionism

Impressionism is an art movement that emerged in the 19th century, mainly linked to painting: impressionist painters portrayed objects according to the impression that light produces to the eye and not according to the supposed objective reality. The Impressionist movement developed in France and later spread to other European countries. […]

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Image definition

The concept of image has its origin in the Latin imāgo and allows us to describe the figure, representation, likeness, aspect or appearance of a certain thing. To give some concrete examples: “This image represents the fall of the Berlin Wall”, “You are the spitting image of your father”, “I need an image to illustrate my idea”. Says […]

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Definition of illustration

Illustration is the action and effect of illustrating (drawing, decorating). The term allows us to name the drawing, print or engraving that adorns, documents or decorates a book. For example: “This book has a beautiful illustration of a unicorn”, “The illustrations in my last novel were made by a French artist”. “I want a book with illustrations of […]

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Definition of iconography

Iconography encompasses everything related to the description of pictures, paintings, monuments, statues and portraits. The term is related to the set of images (especially those that are old) and the report or descriptive exhibition about them. Iconography, therefore, can be defined as the discipline that focuses on the study of […]

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Definition of icon

An icon is a sign that, through a relationship of similarity, can represent a certain object. For example: the drawing of a curve on a sign indicates that the driver of a vehicle will encounter, a certain number of meters, a curve in the road. The term has its etymological origin […]

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Definition of art education

Education is a process that allows a person to assimilate and learn knowledge. The new generations manage to acquire the ways of being of the previous generations and a cultural and behavioral awareness occurs. With education, the subject acquires skills and values. Art, for its part, is the set of human creations […]

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Definition of editorial

The term editorial has three main uses or meanings. As an adjective, the concept refers to that belonging to or relating to the editors or editions. For example: «The publishing industry has fallen 17% in the last year due to piracy», «The inclusion of the Argentine novelist as a regular columnist was a great […]

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