

Latest articles in Art

Definition of proscenium

The proscenium is the sector of the stage that is closest to the spectators. The etymological origins of the term take us to the Latin proscenĭum. However, this, in turn, derives from the Greek proskenion, which began meaning “entrance of a store” and later became “front space where the actors of a play acted […]

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Definition of golden ratio

The golden ratio is an irrational number that ancient thinkers discovered when they noticed the link between two segments belonging to the same line. This proportion can be found in nature (flowers, leaves, etc.) and in geometric figures and is given an aesthetic condition: that which forms respect the golden proportion is […]

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Definition of sleight of hand

Sleight of hand is the discipline that consists of using your hands to perform various tricks and thus deceive the viewer. Conjurers, therefore, are illusionists since they create effects that appear magical, without observers being able to discover the physical or logical reasons that support them. Understanding magic as a […]

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Definition of polychrome

Polychrome is an adjective that describes something that has different colors. The action of adding many colors to an object, on the other hand, is called polychromatic. In order to understand the meaning of the term, which can also be found with an accent on the I (polychrome), it is necessary to determine its etymological origin. In […]

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Definition of petroglyphs

Petroglyph is a word that has its etymological origin in Greek. Specifically, it means “engraved on rock” and is made up of two very different parts: the noun petra, which means “stone”; and glyphos, which can be translated as “engraved.” A petroglyph is an engraving that, in prehistory, was developed on stones. The beings […]

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Definition of pigment

The etymological origin of the word pigment is found in Latin. Specifically, it comes from the term "pigmentum", which can be translated as "substance that gives color" and is composed of two clearly delimited parts: -The verb "pingere", which is synonymous with "paint". -The suffix «-ment», which is equivalent to «result». That […]

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Definition of pictorial

Pictorial is an adjective that comes from pictor, a Latin term that can be translated as “painter.” The pictorial, therefore, refers to what is linked to painting. For example: “My knowledge of painting is zero, but the truth is that I loved this painting”, “The classes paid off: yesterday I was able to sell my […]

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Definition of pearl

Pearls are formations that arise from a particle that encysts inside a mollusk. Thanks to their rounded shapes and their shine, there are pearls that are considered precious stones and are highly valued in jewelry. The emergence of the pearl occurs when the mollusk […]

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Definition of patina

Pátina is a concept that derives from patina, a Latin word that can be translated as “plate.” The notion refers to a type of varnish that, from humidity, is created on certain surfaces and covers them. Its etymological origin is due to the varnish that coated dishes in ancient times. The patina, so […]

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Definition of pastiche

Pastiche is a notion with origins in the French language but, in our language, it derives from the Italian word pasticcio, which can be translated as "pasta" and comes from the Latin pasticium. The term is used to name the work that is created from the combination of components present in other people's works. […]

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