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Definition of rebirth

Rebirth is the consequence of being reborn (born again). The concept is usually used to name the resurgence or revivification of something or someone. For example: "After several months of poor results, the tennis player won three consecutive tournaments and confirmed his rebirth", "The city's rebirth occurred thanks to the tourism boom", […]

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Definition of reliquary

Reliquary is the place or container where relics (objects that are venerated) are stored or protected. The concept is frequently used in the field of religion. Christianity calls relics the remains of those people who have been sanctified. By extension, things that belonged […]

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Definition of redondilla

In poetry, those poems that have a particular structure whose verses are eight sound syllables or less are classified within the minor art genre. In turn, within this classification there are many types of possible structures; The most popular is that of octosyllabic verses. Within the octosyllabic verses is located […]

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Definition of redesign

Redesign is a concept that is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). In any case, the inclusion of the prefix re- indicates that a redesign is the result of redesigning something. Design, meanwhile, is a concept whose etymology refers to the Italian language: disegno. It may be a scheme […]

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Definition of enhancement

Enhancement is a concept that can be used in different ways. The term allows us to refer to the brilliance or splendor of something, whether in physical or symbolic terms. For example: «The presence of the Uruguayan singer highlighted the festival», «The stadium will have a greater highlight thanks to its new lighting towers», «The authorities […]

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Definition of radio drama

Radio drama is a concept that is used in some South American countries as a synonym for radio soap opera. It is a novel that is transmitted through radio broadcasting. Radio drama, therefore, is made up of words, sound effects and music that allow a story to be told. Unlike the soap operas that are broadcast on […]

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Definition of vanishing point

The concept of vanishing point is used to name a certain geometric place. Geometric places are groups of points that allow certain geometric properties to be satisfied: in the specific case of the vanishing point, it is the place where the projections of all the lines parallel to a certain direction converge […]

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Definition of pointillism

Pointillism is the name given to a painting movement that developed in the 19th century. His main characteristic is the use of points and interrupted strokes to create his works. The pointillists, therefore, did not resort to brush strokes when creating their paintings, but instead applied […]

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Definition of punch

A punch is a tool that ends in a point and is used to generate die cuts, holes or holes on a surface. According to their characteristics and materials, punches can be used to carry out different types of work. Using a punch is very simple: you just have to press its tip on the surface that […]

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Definition of psychodrama

Psychodrama is a technique of psychoanalysis that consists of having patients act out dramatic scenes linked to their mental disorders. Typically, these representations are developed as part of group therapy, although there are also those who apply psychodrama in individual therapies. The Austrian Sigmund Freud was the creator of psychoanalysis, […]

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