

Latest articles in Art

Definition of stained glass

A stained glass window is a stained glass window that displays different colors. The term comes from the French word vitrail. It should be remembered that the concept of stained glass can refer to the structure that, with glass, allows the closure of a window, a door or other opening. Also known as polychrome stained glass, stained glass is made from pieces of glass […]

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Definition of visual

Visual is a term that comes from the Latin word visuālis. The concept refers to what is linked to vision (the act and result of seeing: that is, perceiving objects through the eyes thanks to light). From these definitions, we can analyze multiple expressions that are composed with […]

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Definition of visagism

Visagism is a concept that is not part of the dictionary prepared by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). We can determine that it is a term that is the result of the sum of two important elements: the French word “visage”, which means “face”, and the Latin noun “ism”, which is equivalent to “doctrine”. Hence, therefore, […]

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Definition of video art

Video art is a concept that is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). It is a movement that began to develop in the 1960s and consists of creating artistic manifestations through moving sounds and images. Video art can be recorded or captured in different ways. There are works […]

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Definition of trident

The etymological origin of the term trident that we are now going to analyze is found in Latin. Specifically, it comes from tridens, which is the result of the sum of two differentiated parts such as these: -The prefix tri-, which is equivalent to "three." -The noun dens, which is synonymous with "tooth." Trident is a […]

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Definition of trailer

Trailer is an English term that, in our language, must be written with an accent on the A (trailer) since it is a serious word that does not end in S, N or a vowel. It should be noted that this Spanish version of the concept, with an accent, is part of the dictionary prepared by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). There are two big […]

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Definition of chalk

Chalks are clay sticks used to write on a blackboard or blackboard. As the person moves the chalk over the surface, particles are released that allow the strokes to be created. Then, with an eraser, the blackboard can be cleaned, removing these chalk particles. Blackboards are usually black […]

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Definition of tincture

Tincture is a concept from tinctūra, a Latin term. The notion refers to the process and result of dyeing. This action, for its part, refers to giving a certain color to something. For example: “Tomorrow I'm going to go get the dye done at the hairdresser”, “I think that, this time, the dye won't […]

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Definition of comic strip

Strip is a notion with multiple meanings. On this occasion we are interested in staying with its meaning as a comic strip: a succession of drawings that, as a whole, develop a story. Comic, on the other hand, is something that causes laughter or provides fun. A comic strip, therefore, is a story that aims to entertain […]

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Definition of Chinese ink

Chinese ink is a dye made with carbon black, according to what is detailed in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). This ink is produced with soot from hydrocarbons or with charcoal fragments derived from non-resinous trees. Non-resinous trees are those whose […]

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