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Definition of discoloration

The concept of discoloration, derived from the Latin word decoloratio, refers to the act and result of discoloring. This verb, which can also be called discolor, refers to softening or eliminating color. For example: “I am looking for a natural product for hair bleaching”, “The successive washes will gradually produce […]

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Definition of contemporary dance

Before entering fully into the definition of the term contemporary dance, it is necessary to proceed to discover the etymological origin of the two words that give it shape: – Dance, first of all, comes from French. Specifically, it emanates from danser, which can be translated as “to dance.” – Contemporary, secondly, derives from Latin, […]

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Definition of fingerprint

Before delving fully into the meaning of the term fingerprint painting, let's know its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it is a word composed of the sum of two different components: -The Greek noun “dactyl”, which can be translated as “finger”. -The verb “pingere” which is Latin and means “to paint”. […]

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Definition of theatrical painting

The notion of theatrical frame is used with reference to the short parts into which a work can be divided. The concept of theatrical tableau usually refers to those scenes that pass without the set changing; Its ending is characterized because the stage remains empty for a moment, and because it indicates that it is interrupted […]

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Definition of short film

The term short film, which comes from the French word court-métrage, refers to a short film. There is no precise definition of its duration, although it is generally accepted that a film that lasts thirty minutes or less is a short film. Known in colloquial language as short films, these audiovisual materials can develop the same […]

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Definition of choreography

Before entering fully into the meaning of the term choreography, let's know its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it is a word that derives from French, exactly from chorégraphie and was created by the theatrical notary Raoul Auger Feuillet. He gave it shape in the year 1701 […]

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Definition of coral

The concept of coral has several uses. When its etymological root is found in the Greek word korállion, it refers to an anthozoan coelenterate animal that forms colonies, in which the specimens are linked to each other through a calcareous polypero. Coelenterates are species with radiated symmetry that have a single […]

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Definition of comic

The term comic, which derives from the English word comic, refers to the succession or series of vignettes that allows a story to be told. The concept also refers to the magazine or book made up of comics. Comic is usually used as a synonym for comic strip. The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), however, specifically defines […]

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Definition of collage

The term collage, of French origin, refers to an artistic technique consisting of the union of different elements. Collage usually includes various materials and images in the composition of the same work. For example: “I made a collage with photos of my grandson: it turned out beautiful”, “The artist presented a collage made with native flowers”, […]

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Definition of classicism

Classicism is called the style of art that is developed according to the precepts and values ​​of classical antiquity: that is, from the heyday of Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. It can be said that classicism is a movement that followed the principles of the model developed during the aforementioned period […]

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