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Definition of monolithic

The term monolithic has several meanings. The first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to something linked to a monolith. Something made of stone A monolith is a monument made from a single piece of stone. By extension, it refers to something made only from […]

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Definition of baluster

The Greek word balaústion passed into Latin as balaustĭum, which in turn derived into the French balustre. After this etymological journey, the concept reached Spanish as balaustre or balustre: this is the name given to the small column that, together with the railings, supports the structure of the parapets or railings of a building.

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Definition of pond

A pond is a small body of water that can arise naturally or be developed by humans. In the former case, water accumulates in a depression in the ground without any human intervention, while artificial ponds are created by people for a practical purpose […]

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Definition of pipe

A pipeline is a system that is developed with tubes through which gas, water and other substances can circulate. A tube, meanwhile, is a hollow cylinder that is usually used for the transport or storage of fluids. Pipe Returning to the idea of ​​a pipe, the concept can be used as a synonym for a pipeline. A pipe or […]

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Definition of gazebo

The term gazebo is frequently used in regions of South America. However, the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) does not include this term, which is present in the "Dictionary of Americanisms". Pavilion for rest and meeting A gazebo is a covered pavilion that is located in a garden, park or […]

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Definition of gravel

Small gravel is the name given to small gravel. This material is used to produce cement and for paving. Small gravel Before moving on to the definition of gravel, therefore, we must focus on the concept of gravel. Crushed stones used to cover a surface are called small gravel. Small gravel is the term used to describe small stones.

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Definition of underground

Underground is something that is found under the earth. The term comes from the Latin word subterraneus. Below the ground. For example: «The president tried to hide in an underground shelter but his enemies were quick to find him», «The government plans to build an underground tunnel that crosses the river and facilitates the connection of the […]

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Definition of palafito

The Italian word palafitta came to Spanish as palafito. This is the name given to a dwelling built on poles or stakes in a flood zone, inside a lake or lagoon or even on a shore. On the water Palafitos are buildings whose pillars are above the water. […]

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Definition of rigging

The idea of ​​rigging is used in the field of the navy. The term refers to the yards and masts of a vessel. Ship's rigging The rigging is usually associated with the rigging: the set of yards, sails, rigging and masts or spars of a ship. As a […]

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Definition of sgraffito

Sgraffito is the act and result of sgraffito. This action (sgraffito), meanwhile, refers to drawing with graphite, making pieces of the surface jump off to reveal the color of another layer. An ornamental technique Sgraffito is the technique that consists of the development of this type of ornamentation. To […]

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