

Latest articles in Architecture

Definition of staircase

A staircase is a large staircase that is usually decorated with a prominent ornate or artistic style. Overview Staircases are usually located in the hallway or on the outside of a building. Like any staircase, it consists of steps or rungs that allow you to go up and down. The main function of a staircase is to […]

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Definition of grooved

The adjective grooved is used to describe something that has the shape of a channel. This means that it has a structure like an elongated and concave groove. Grooved, therefore, is long and narrow like a channel. There are, however, other meanings of the concept. The element that has grooves […]

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Definition of catacombs

Catacombs are underground tunnels that the early Christians used for the burial of the deceased and the development of their ceremonies. The term, which is used in the plural, comes from the late Latin word catacumbae. Early cemeteries It can be said that the catacombs were the cemeteries that the early Christians and also the Hebrews developed […]

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Definition of ridge

Camellón is a term derived from camel that is used to refer to something whose shape resembles that animal. The first meaning of the concept mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to a ridge. On the public road A camellón or ridge is a hill or mound that is […]

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Definition of recess

A twist is a turn and a bend in a street, a river, etc. This is just one of the meanings of this notion, according to what is indicated by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary. Turn and bend A turn is understood as a curvature or a detour in a street, a river, etc.

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Definition of buttress

Buttress is the strap that is nailed to the saddle shafts, where the girth is adjusted. We must clarify that this is only one of the meanings that the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) dictionary mentions for this term. The buttress, therefore, is attached to the shafts, which […]

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Definition of ambulatory

Deambulatory refers to something linked to the act of wandering (walking aimlessly). This word, which belongs to the category of adjective, came to our language from the late Latin deambulatorium, which can be translated as “gallery”. Freedom of wandering Freedom of wandering is the right that a person has to leave the place where he is in order to […]

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Definition of cubicle

The Latin word cubicŭlum came to Spanish as a cubicle. This is the name given to a room or space of reduced dimensions. A delimited space The notion of cubicle can be used in different ways. Many times the term is used to refer to a small area, differentiated from the rest of the environment. There are companies that create cubicles […]

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Definition of zoning

Zoning is the act and result of zoning: establishing zones in a certain area. The concept refers to dividing a territory into different sectors, constituted on the basis of certain criteria. General description There are, therefore, multiple types of zoning. It is common for urban or metropolitan planning of a city to resort to a […]

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Definition of scale

A ruler is a ruler that has graduations of different scales on its faces. In this way, the user has several scales at his disposal in a single element. General characteristics The rulers are usually made of aluminum, plastic or wood. The chosen material must have good durability so that the device can be used […]

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