

Latest articles in Architecture

Definition of urban area

The definition of an urban area varies according to the country in which it is described. Generally, an urban area is considered to be characterized by being permanently inhabited by more than 2,000 inhabitants. The updating of urban development models has caused the population density, the extension of the urban area to change.

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Definition of hospital

From the Latin hospitalis, a hospital is the space in which all kinds of health-related services are developed. In these facilities, therefore, diseases are diagnosed and different types of treatments are carried out to restore the health of patients. For example: «Tomorrow I have an appointment at the hospital to carry out the […]

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Definition of directionality

Directionality is the quality of that which is directional; that is, that which can be oriented or directed in a direction. The concept that is associated with the idea of ​​direction (the path that a body takes when moving, the tendency towards a certain goal or the guide that allows someone or something to be directed). The basis […]

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