

Latest articles in Architecture

Definition of citadel

The notion of citadel comes from the Italian word cittadella. The concept is influenced by the term city: an urban space administered by a town council or municipality that is characterized by a large number of buildings, a high population density and an economy based on non-agricultural activities. Returning to the idea of ​​a citadel, the city is a city that is […]

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Definition of lock

Lock is a term whose etymological origin is found in the Latin word exclūsa. This word was used in reference to water (aqua) to refer to “excluded water”. Nowadays, the concept is used to name different types of infrastructure. It is generally used to name the compartment that allows the passage of a […]

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Definition of ewer

Aguamanil is a term that comes from the late Latin aquamanīle. The first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to a jug with a spout and used to pour water into a sink or basin intended for washing hands. The RAE also points out that the […]

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Definition of barrack

Barraca is a term with an etymological origin in the Catalan language. The notion has several uses depending on the region and the context. The first meaning referred to by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to a precarious dwelling that is built in a rustic way. Barracas arise from the need to […]

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Definition of barn

The Latin word granarium came to Spanish as granary. The term is used to refer to the space intended for the storage of grains. The name grain refers to the fruit or seed of a cereal. Cereals, in turn, are grass plants that are usually cultivated precisely to take advantage of their grains, used as […]

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Definition of frame

The concept of a frame comes from the late Latin armatio. It is a term that can be used in both the feminine and masculine forms, as accepted by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). In its broadest sense, a frame is a structure that provides support or support, and may be made up of a […]

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Definition of aviary

The Latin word aviarius came to Spanish as aviario. It is a term that can be used as an adjective or as a noun. In the first case, aviario is synonymous with avian. Both concepts are used to describe things related to birds: vertebrate animals that lay eggs, breathe through lungs, have feathers […]

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Definition of exterior

Exterior is a term from the Latin language that can be used as an adjective or a noun. The first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refers to that which is found outside. For example: “If the day is nice, we are going to have the party in the outside area of ​​the house […]

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Definition of sewer

The term sewer arose as a diminutive of alcántara. According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), alcántara is the trunk-like box that is used in a velvet loom to store the fabric that is being woven. The notion of sewer, however, has nothing to do with […]

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Definition of brete

Brete is a term whose etymology is not precisely known. According to specialists, it could come from the Occitan word bret, which in turn is derived from an Old High German word that translates as “table”. A brete is a complex or problematic situation from which it is not easy to get out. Anyone who is in a difficult situation […]

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