

Latest articles in Architecture

Definition of portal

Portal is a term that comes from door. In the field of construction, the portal is the hall or the first room of the house, which has the main door and which allows access to the rest of the rooms. In multi-family homes, on the other hand, the portal is the room immediately next to the […]

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Definition of pavement

From the Latin pavimentum, the pavement is the layer or base that constitutes the floor of a construction or a non-natural surface. The pavement functions as a support for living beings and things. It is important to bear in mind that the pavement can be covered with different materials, such as stones or wood. The term, […]

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Definition of park

A park is a piece of land that is designated for trees, gardens, and lawns for recreation or rest. These spaces usually include areas for sports, benches, drinking fountains, children's games, and other amenities. Parks (from the French parc) generally constitute the main green spaces within a city or town.

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Definition of office

From the Latin officīna, an office is a place intended for some work. It can have different forms of organization and distribution of space according to the number of workers and their function. There are offices or offices occupied by a single worker (generally, a director, manager or even the owner of the […]

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Definition of garden

Garden is a term of French origin that refers to the land where plants are grown for decorative and ornamental purposes. It is a flower garden that seeks to beautify a certain place. For example: “I want to plant jasmines in my garden”, “My grandmother has a beautiful garden with flowers of all colors”. It is […]

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Definition of lighting

Lighting, from the Latin illuminatio, is the action and effect of illuminating. This verb refers to illuminating or giving light and always requires a direct object, something or someone to provide its light. Lighting is therefore known as the set of lights that are installed in a certain place with […]

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Definition of church

The term ecclesia, which originates from a Greek word meaning “assembly,” is used to refer to a Christian temple. It is a building where public religious services are held and images or relics are presented and worshipped by the faithful. For example: “Every Sunday morning I go to church […]

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Definition of hotel

A hotel is an establishment that provides accommodation for guests or travelers. The term comes from the French word hôtel, which refers to a “townhouse.” A hotel is a building equipped and planned to accommodate people temporarily. Its basic amenities include a bed, a closet, and a bathroom.

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Definition of building

From the Latin aedificĭum, a building is a fixed construction that is used as a human dwelling or that allows the realization of different activities. The etymological origin of the term is related to “making fire”, since the first human constructions had the objective of protecting the fire (to prevent it from being extinguished by the wind […]

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Definition of drainage

Drainage is a term that comes from the French word drainage and refers to the action and effect of draining. This verb, in turn, means to ensure the exit of liquids or excessive humidity through pipes, tubes or ditches. For engineering and urban planning, drainage is the system of […]

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