

Latest articles in Architecture

Definition of ventilation

Ventilation is a term that describes the act and consequence of ventilating something or someone or of ventilating oneself (that is, allowing air to penetrate the body or circulate in some environment). The word, with origins in the Latin ventilatio, is also used to identify the air currents that […]

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Definition of urbanization

Urbanization is the action and effect of urbanizing and the urbanized residential core. The term is usually used to name the set of buildings built in a former rural environment. When developing the urbanization of a land, it is usually divided into several entities (polygons, blocks, plots, etc.) in order to build the houses […]

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Definition of urban

From the Latin urbanus, the adjective urban refers to that which belongs to or relates to the city. A city is an area with a high population density and whose inhabitants, generally, do not engage in agricultural activities. Cities have characteristics such as the predominance of vertical and collective housing (buildings), […]

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Definition of technical drawing

A drawing is a figure, image or delineation that is usually done manually with the help of some tool (a pencil, a brush) on different materials. The concept of technical, on the other hand, refers to a procedure linked to science whose objective is to obtain a certain result. Technical drawing is known as […]

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Definition of superstructure

The superstructure is the part of a construction that is above ground level. It is therefore different from the substructure (the part of the construction that is below ground level). In naval engineering, the superstructure is the part of ships that appears above ground level.

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Definition of site

With origins in the Latin situs, a site is a place that can be occupied or that can become so for a certain reason or with a specific purpose. To give some examples of use: “Excuse me, but you are sitting in my seat”, “There is no room for bullies here”, “Finally, after so much effort, I am […]

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Definition of symmetry

Symmetry, from the Latin symmetrĭa, is the exact correspondence in size, shape and position of the parts of a whole. An example of symmetry is Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, a work that represents a perfectly symmetrical human body. Symmetry in drawing Within the field of drawing we find the fact that […]

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Definition of headquarters

A headquarters is a place where certain events take place or where the base of an organization is erected. The term comes from the Latin sedes (chair, seat). For example, “Brazil will host the 2014 World Cup”, “The 1992 Olympic Games were held at the Barcelona venue”, “The main headquarters […]

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Definition of city

City, from the Latin civitas, is an urban area with a high population density, made up of inhabitants who do not usually engage in agricultural activities. The difference between cities and other urban entities is determined by population density, legal status, or other factors. It is worth mentioning that there is no precise definition of a city.

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Definition of well

A well is a deep hole, bore, vertical tunnel, or borehole made in the ground. Such boreholes are usually made for a specific purpose, such as finding groundwater or oil. For example: “My aunt lives in a mountain village and must drink well water,” “A child […]

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