

Latest articles in Architecture

Definition of aqueduct

An aqueduct is an artificially constructed channel to carry water to a specific location. This type of system allows water to flow from the space where it is found naturally to a different place, where it is used by people. In order to understand the meaning of the term, we have to establish its origin […]

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Definition of acropolis

The first thing we are going to do to establish the meaning of the term acropolis is to discover its etymological origin. In this sense, we must determine that it is a word of Greek origin, “akropolis”, which can be translated as “fortified place in the highest area of ​​the city” and that it is the result of the sum of two […]

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Definition of apse

Apse is an architectural concept that can be mentioned in the feminine (la ápside) or in the masculine (el apse). The notion allows us to name the semicircular and vaulted sector of a temple that allows the installation of the presbytery and the altar. The apse, with a polygonal or semicircular floor plan, is located at the head of the church. Its origins […]

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Definition of abbey

Abbey is the position of the abbot or abbess. By extension, the term refers to the region under the jurisdiction of the abbot and to the church where he carries out his functions. It should be noted that the notion in our language comes from the Latin word abbatia. Currently, the most common use of the concept is associated with […]

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Definition of hall

A vestibule is a space found in some homes, located next to the door and crossed when entering the house. The term came to our language from the Hispanic Arabic istawán, which in turn is derived from a word from classical Arabic. The vestibule is a covered (roofed) area that functions as a […]

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Definition of single-family home

A single-family home is a building intended for a single family. In this way, single-family homes are different from collective housing, where horizontal property is usually developed. It should be noted that the roofed and closed space where people live is called a dwelling, a concept that serves as a synonym for home, […]

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Definition of social housing

A social housing is a property that, in some way, the State gives to people who cannot access decent housing by their own means. This means that the State can build social housing for inhabitants without resources. It should be noted that a dwelling is an enclosed space with a roof […]

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Definition of stained glass

A stained glass window is a glass window that displays different colors. The term comes from the French word vitrail. It should be remembered that the concept of stained glass can refer to the structure that, with glass, allows the closing of a window, a door or another opening. Also known as polychrome stained glass windows, stained glass windows are made with pieces of glass of different colors.

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Definition of stained glass

Stained glass is a term that comes from vitriarĭus, a Latin word. The concept can be used in different ways depending on the context. In some countries, a stained glass structure is called a structure that has glass and that allows a window or door to be closed. Glaziers and stained glass makers, on the other hand, are those who are in charge of […]

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Definition of viaduct

Viaduct is a concept that comes from two Latin words: via (which can be translated as “road”) and ductus (which means “conduction” in our language). A viaduct, therefore, is a work developed through engineering that allows the entire surface of a valley to be crossed. Similar to a bridge, a viaduct can be a […]

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