

Latest articles in Architecture

Definition of hostel

Shelter is a notion that refers, in its broadest sense, to the space that provides shelter, shelter or asylum to animals or human beings. From this meaning, it is possible to differentiate between multiple types of shelters. For example: «When it started to rain, we were in the middle of the forest and we had no […]

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Definition of pool

A pool is a reservoir that is artificially built for the storage of water. The term in our language comes from the Hispanic Arabic albírka, which in turn is derived from the classical Arabic birkah. The pool is a hydraulic work that can be developed with walls to create the pond or from an excavation […]

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Definition of bricklayer

A term from classical Arabic passed into Hispanic Arabic as albanní, and this into our language as albañil. The concept refers to someone who is dedicated to masonry: the construction that is developed using cement, sand, lime, bricks and other similar materials. The notion usually refers to the official of […]

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Definition of alameda

An alameda is a place with the presence of poplars, according to the first definition of the concept mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary. A poplar, also known as black poplar, is a tree that belongs to the Populus genus. Likewise, the name alameda refers to walks that have poplars and, by extension, to all […]

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Definition of cupboard

A cupboard is a type of furniture used for storing different items. It is a cupboard that has doors and shelves, and is usually installed in a hole in a wall. For example: “We have to go to the market urgently! There is no more […]

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Definition of alabaster

Alabaster is a type of white stone used to make decorative objects or sculptures. The term comes from the Latin word alabaster, which in turn comes from the Greek word alabastros, which referred to a pear-shaped container used to store perfumes. It is usually made of alabaster, which is a kind of stone that is […]

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Definition of acoustic insulation

An acoustic insulator is a material that has the ability to block or hinder the passage of sound. Acoustic insulators can thus prevent sounds from leaving a room and external sounds from entering said room. It should be noted that an insulator is something that manages to isolate: it is a material that […]

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Definition of attach

To add something is a verb that refers to adding something, placing it next to something else or leaning it on it. The concept comes from adosser, a word from the French language. However, it is considered that this, in turn, comes from a Latin word that is the result of the sum of two components: The prefix adosser is a […]

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Definition of cobblestone

A cobblestone is a stone that is given a rectangular shape so that it can be used to make paving stones. That is why cobblestones are often used to pave streets. The term came to our language from the Hispanic Arabic addukkín or addukkán, in turn derived from the classical Arabic dukkān. […]

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Adobe Definition

Adobe is a clay made from mud and straw. This clay is moulded like a brick and, once it has dried, it can be used to build different structures. The use of adobe in construction dates back several millennia before Christ. On Peruvian soil, there is a city created in ancient times […]

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