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Definition of bathroom

Bath is a term that comes from the Latin word balneum and has more than a dozen meanings. In its broadest sense, it refers to the act and result of bathing: making something or someone submerged in water or another liquid. A bath, therefore, can consist of getting wet or submerged […]

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Definition of bastion

A bastion is a fortification that appears when two walls meet, according to the first definition given by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary. Also known as a bastion, the bastion is composed of an entrance groove, two flanks that allow it to be linked to the wall and two faces that […]

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Definition of balcony

The first thing we are going to do when it comes to knowing the meaning of the term balcony is to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can say that it is a word that derives from Italian, exactly from “balcone”, which was the name given to the platform that came out of an area […]

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Definition of rooftop

The rooftop is the cover of a building that can be used in different ways. The concept has its etymological roots in Hispanic Arabic. Also referred to as a terrace, the rooftop is the upper sector of a house or building. It is a flat surface that can be accessed to carry out different activities.

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Definition of avenue

A flood is a considerable and sometimes sudden increase in the water level of a watercourse. This first meaning of the term mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) belongs to the field of hydrology. In this context, a flood can be the rise of a stream or a river. The level of the river depends on the water level of the river.

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Definition of classroom

A classroom is a physical space where classes are held. Schools, therefore, have numerous such rooms available for teachers to teach their students. For example: “Quickly, children, enter the classroom! The teacher is now ready to begin the class”, “In which classroom is the […]

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Definition of atrium

Atrium is a concept that can be used to name the open area found at the entrance of certain buildings. The term has its etymological origin in the Latin word atrium. The atrium, in this sense, is a kind of courtyard with porticos around it. In ancient Roman temples, all people could […]

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Definition of attic

The first definitions of Attic mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refer to the link to Attica, a region belonging to Greece whose capital is Athens. Attic, in this context, is the gentilic of this area and the name of the dialect of the classical Greek language that was spoken […]

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Definition of watchtower

Watchtower is a term that can be used in different contexts. The most common use refers to a tower built on a hill to monitor what happens in the surrounding land or in the ocean. Unlike other military towers, the watchtower is usually built freestanding. The height gives the watchman the perspective of […]

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Definition of asphalt

Asphalt is a substance derived from the distillation process of petroleum that is used as a coating or pavement. The term comes from the Latin asphaltus, which in turn is derived from the Greek ásphaltos. Asphalt can also be found in natural deposits, although the most commonly used is that derived from petroleum. In this second […]

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