

Latest articles in Architecture

Definition of stowage

Before going into the meaning of the term stowage, we are going to proceed to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can establish that it is a word that derives from the verb to stow, which comes from Latin, specifically from “stipare”. This is a verb that can be translated as “to tighten” or “to accumulate”. In the […]

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Definition of grinding

Grinding is a term that comes from the verb esmeral: to treat something with emery or a similar substance. Emery, on the other hand, is a dark and very hard mineral that is used for polishing and dulling. This mineral is made up of corundum as its main component, although it also includes rutile, magnetite and other elements. Emery is a mineral that is […]

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Definition of desktop

The concept of desk, derived from the Latin scriptorium, has different uses. The term is usually used to refer to a piece of furniture used for writing or for carrying out office tasks. Originally, desks were closed pieces of furniture, inside which documents could be stored. On the upper part, a board was used to support […]

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Definition of erect

The first thing we are going to do in order to understand the meaning of the term erect is to establish its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it is a word that derives from Latin, exactly from “erigire”. This verb, which can be translated as “to raise a monument or a building”, is the result of the following […]

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Definition of framework

The term “weave” refers to the interweaving of strips or sheets and to the result of this process. The concept can also be used in a symbolic sense to refer to abstract (non-material) elements that intersect with each other in a given context. For example: “The actress’s husband is mentioned in the corruption network that is being investigated […]

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Definition of widening

The etymological origin of the term ensanche can be found in Latin. Specifically, it is derived from the verb “examplare”, which means “to make wider” and is the result of the sum of the following lexical components: -The prefix “ex-”, which can be translated as “outwards”. -The adjective “amplus”, which means “to make wider”.

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Definition of duplex

The idea of ​​duplex is used to name something that is double (that is, that presents twice the same thing or houses twice a certain amount). The term is used in different contexts. A duplex is a construction that contains two independent dwellings. These dwellings can be joined in parallel or […]

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Definition of shower

To understand the meaning of the term shower, it is necessary, first of all, to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can establish that it derives from the French word “douche” which, in turn, comes from the Italian “doccia”, which means “water pipe”. However, the latter comes from Latin, exactly from “ducta”, which can be translated […]

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Definition of duct

The etymological origin of the term duct must be traced back to Latin. Specifically, we can establish that it derives from the word “ductus”, which can be translated as “guided”. A duct is therefore a channel or conduit that can be used to transport water, oil, gas or another substance. A duct is a channel that is used to transport water, oil, gas or another substance. […]

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Definition of bedroom

The Latin word dormitorium came to Spanish as bedroom. This is the name given to the room in a house that is used primarily for sleeping. For example: “Please go find your mother in the bedroom and tell her that dinner is ready”, “Yesterday I bought a new 32-inch television for the bedroom”, “Since […]

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