

Latest articles in Anthropology

Definition of animism

The etymology of animism refers us to the French word animisme. This word is formed with the Latin anĭma (which can be translated as "life" or "soul") and the French suffix -isme (in our language, "-ism", used to form nouns that mean movement, doctrine, tendency or system, for example). The concept of animism has several […]

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Definition of Christianity

The Greek word christianismós reached late Latin as christianismus. That is the closest etymological antecedent of Christianity, a term that refers to the monotheistic religion centered on the figure of Christ. The idea of ​​Christianity refers to both this religion and the set of principles and beliefs that constitute it. […]

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Definition of cultural diversity

The Latin word diversĭtas came to our language as diversity. The term is linked to the variety and coexistence of elements that are different or dissimilar to each other. Cultural, meanwhile, is that related to culture. Culture, in turn, is called the set of habits, customs, knowledge, […]

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Definition of social organization

The notion of organization comes from the French word organisation. The concept can refer to the order or arrangement of something and to the association of individuals established with a certain objective. Social, meanwhile, is an adjective that refers to that which is linked to society. Coming from the Latin sociĕtas, a group is called society […]

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Definition of sorority

The closest etymological antecedent of the term sorority is the English word sorority, in turn derived from the medieval Latin sororitas (which referred to a "congregation of nuns"). Sororitas, meanwhile, came from the Latin soror. The first meaning of sorority mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refers to affection or […]

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Definition of cultural heritage

Heritage is the name given to those rights and assets that one possesses. Things related to culture, meanwhile, are classified as cultural. Starting from these ideas, we can affirm that cultural heritage is the heritage of a culture, which is preserved over time and transmitted from generation to generation. These […]

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Definition of gypsy

An individual who is part of a community originating from Indian territory is called a gypsy. The notion comes from Egyptian, since it was estimated that these people came from Egypt. Gypsies maintain traditions, customs and even physical characteristics that are their own. From their native land, the people spread to different nations […]

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Definition of graphology

The analysis of handwriting developed with the aim of discovering psychological characteristics of the person who writes it is called graphology. The concept is created with the union of two compositional elements: grapho- (which refers to writing) and -logy (linked to a study or a treatise). It can be said, therefore, that the […]

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Definition of ancestry

The concept of ancestry refers to a person's ancestors: that is, their ancestors. The parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and the rest of the ancestors of an individual constitute the ancestry of the subject in question. In the bloodline Let's assume that Juan, Lucas and Pedro are related. Juan is the […]

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Definition of surname

The family name that allows people to be differentiated and identified is called a surname. It is an anthroponymic name that, together with the given name, makes it possible to distinguish each individual. Origin of surnames Surnames emerged in the Middle Ages when members of the bourgeoisie began to access […]

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