

Latest articles in Anatomy

Definition of artery

From the Latin word artery, an artery is a vessel or conduit that is responsible for carrying blood from the heart to other parts of the body. In this sense, it performs the opposite task of veins, which carry blood from the capillaries to the heart. Arteries are elastic and membranous conduits, which have […]

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Definition of vein

A vein is a blood vessel or tube that carries blood from the blood capillaries to the heart. It usually carries waste products from organisms and CO2, although some veins carry oxygenated blood (such as the pulmonary vein). Veins are composed of three layers: an external layer (also called adventitia), a posterior layer, and a posterior layer.

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Definition of nerves

A nerve is a group of fibers of a particular type that conducts impulses between the central nervous system and different parts of the body. This group has the shape of a whitish cord and the capacity to transmit electrical waves (nerve impulses or action potentials) at high speed. Usually, the impulse is transmitted […]

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Definition of muscles

From the Latin musculus, a muscle is an organ formed by contractile fibers (muscle fibers). They can be related to the skeleton (skeletal muscles) or form part of the structure of organs or systems (visceral muscles). The human body has about 650 muscles of different types, which are surrounded by a membrane known as […]

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Definition of abdominal

From the Latin abdomen, the abdomen is a concept that refers to the belly. In mammals, it is the cavity of the body that is limited by the diaphragm or the set of viscera in that region. In humans, the abdomen also gives a name to adiposity, fatness or a prominent belly. Abdominal, due to its […]

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Definition of abdomen

Abdomen is the belly. In anatomy, this term, which has its origin in the Latin abdomen, can refer to the cavity of the body of vertebrates, which in mammals is limited by the diaphragm. On the other hand, the term can refer to a set of viscera. The abdomen, therefore, is the […]

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Definition of synapse

Synapse is the functional relationship of contact between nerve cell endings. It is a concept that comes from a Greek word meaning “union” or “link”. Before continuing, it is necessary to clarify the meaning of axon, since it is an integral part of the synapse. It is an extensive […]

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Definition of facial paralysis

Facial paralysis is the complete loss of voluntary muscle movement on one side of the human face. This disorder is associated with the functioning of the facial nerve, also known as the seventh cranial nerve, which is a structure organized in pairs that extends through a narrow bony canal (the fallopian canal) of the face.

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Definition of cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy is one of the most common childhood disabilities. According to doctors, it is a permanent disorder that affects the psychomotor skills of the person who suffers from it. Psychomotor disorders related to cerebral palsy often occur together with sensory, cognitive, communication and perception problems. Injuries resulting from cerebral palsy can be life-threatening, but it is not possible to […]

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Definition of paralysis

Paralysis is the absence or reduction of movement in a body region. The term, which comes from the Latin paralysis - itself derived from a Greek word - also refers to the suspension of a process, a task or a function. When there is partial or mild paralysis, we speak of paresis, which is usually […]

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