

Latest articles in Anatomy

Definition of ovary

The ovary is the female gonad that produces and secretes eggs and sex hormones (estrogens, androgens, and others). It is the equivalent of the male testicles. The ovaries, which are shaped like an almond, weigh between 6 and 7 grams and are grayish white in color. They are located on both sides of the uterus, at the […]

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Definition of otorhinolaryngology

Otorhinolaryngology is the branch of medicine that focuses on the treatment and analysis of diseases that can affect and/or develop in the ear, nose and larynx. The origins of this discipline date back to 2,500 BC, although as a medical specialty it only became popular and recognized in […]

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Definition of otitis

Otitis is an inflammation of the ear. The term has its etymological origin in the Greek language. There are several causes that can lead to someone suffering from otitis. However, among the most frequent would be the malfunctioning and damage of the Eustachian tube, allergic problems, infections in the ear, and so on.

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Definition of osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is the fragility of bones caused by a lower quantity of their mineral components, which results in a decrease in their density. A person with osteoporosis usually has problems absorbing calcium and is prone to fractures. The term is formed from three Greek words: […]

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Definition of orthopedics

Orthopedics is the technique that seeks to correct or prevent deformities of the human body through physical exercises or various devices. Orthopedic devices are called orthoses or orthoses, and are different from prostheses (which seek to artificially replace a part of the body that is missing for some reason). The etymological origin of the term […]

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Definition of organ

Organ is a term that has several different uses. It can be, for example, a musical instrument made up of tubes of different lengths that produce sound by allowing air to pass through them. Organs have a keyboard and bellows that propel the air. The structure of the organ – a word derived from the Latin orgănum – is made up of a box (which […]

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Definition of orthodontics

Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with the study of malformations and defects of the teeth. Orthodontics is also known as the treatment dedicated to correcting these defects. Regarding the etymological origin of the term, we can say that it is found in Greek since it is […]

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Definition of ophthalmology

Ophthalmology is the medical specialty that deals with the treatment of eye diseases. This discipline also has applications in veterinary medicine, since humans and animals often share, in this case, similar pathological processes. Ophthalmology specialists are known as ophthalmologists or oculists. Their work includes the treatment of eye diseases, as well as the diagnosis of eye diseases.

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Definition of dentistry

Dentistry is the medical specialty that studies teeth and gums and treats their ailments. This discipline deals with everything related to the stomatognathic system, made up of the set of organs and tissues found in the oral cavity and part of the skull, the gums, and the gums.

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Definition of obstetrics

Obstetrics is the branch of medicine that deals with pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period (the period from childbirth until the woman returns to her pre-pregnancy state). The term comes from the Latin obstetricĭa. Obstetricians are responsible not only for the physical condition of the mother but also for the […]

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