

Latest articles in Anatomy

Definition of embryoblast

The embryoblast is a structure that is part of the blastocyst. It arises around the fourth day of embryonic development, coming from a mass of cells in the morula. Originated in the morula Once the zygote is formed after fertilization, successive divisions begin to develop that increase the number of cells and give rise […]

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Definition of arthrology

Arthrology is the area of ​​anatomy dedicated to the study of joints. The etymology of the term, in fact, takes us to the Greek word árthron, which can be translated as “articulation.” The study of joints To understand what arthrology is, therefore, it is first necessary to focus on two concepts: anatomy and joint. […]

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Definition of retrusion

The idea of ​​retrusion is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The term, however, is frequently used in the field of medicine and health. A backward movement Retrusion is a concept derived from the Latin word retrusio, which refers to a push or impulse backwards. […]

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Definition of microtubule

The term microtubule comes from the English word microtubule. The concept is formed with the compositional element micro- (which refers to something "very small") and the noun tubule (a small tube that, in the field of anatomy, refers to an excretory duct). Protein filament A protein filament found in […]

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Definition of organography

Organography is the branch of botany and zoology that is dedicated to describing the organs of plants or animals. Therefore, a distinction can be made between plant organography and animal organography. Plant Organography Plant organography examines the structure and arrangement of organs and […]

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Definition of vertebra

The vertebrae are the short bones that make up the spine. These bone structures are articulated with each other. The intervertebral discs function as a separation between the vertebrae. These are cartilaginous structures that act as ligaments and that, in turn, allow the vertebrae to perform certain movements. An adult human being […]

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Definition of bipedalism

The position adopted by someone who is standing is called bipedalism. More precisely, bipedality is the ability to stand and move on both lower extremities. Bipedal animals It can be said that bipedalism is a consequence of the natural evolution of various species. Homo sapiens, for example, […]

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Definition of diaphysis

The term diaphysis comes from diaphysis, a word from the Greek language. This is what the middle sector of a long bone is called. Between the ends While the subject is growing, there are cartilages that separate the diaphysis from the epiphyses (the ends of the bone). Therefore, in a first stage there is a region […]

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Definition of chromatid

The etymological journey of chromatid begins with the English word chromatin, which led to chromatid. The term is used in the field of biology to refer to the strands or longitudinal units of a duplicated chromosome, which allow the generation of a complete chromosome in the daughter cells. Duplicated chromosome It should be remembered that chromosomes […]

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Definition of myology

The branch of anatomy focused on muscles is called myology. Anatomy, meanwhile, is the science dedicated to the analysis of the form and structure of living beings. In the case of myology, it is an area of ​​so-called descriptive anatomy: the specialization of anatomy that […]

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