

Latest articles in Anatomy

Definition of abscess

Abscess is a concept that comes from the Latin word abscessus. In turn, we should make it clear that this word comes from, etymologically speaking, the verb abscedere, which is made up of two parts: the prefix abs-, which can be translated as an indicator of separation, and the word cedere, which is equivalent to “go”. It is […]

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Definition of blood pressure

Blood pressure is the force exerted by blood on the walls of blood vessels. The notion is associated with arterial pressure and venous pressure and is considered one of the most important vital signs. The origin of the term pressure takes us back to the Latin pressĭo. The concept refers to the action and […]

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Definition of physical characteristics

To clearly define the concept of physical characteristics, we must first clarify the meaning of the two terms that form it. We call characteristic each of the qualities that a person or thing possesses and that serves to identify it with respect to others. All people and objects have authentic aspects that make them […]

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Definition of head

The head is the upper part of the human body and the upper or anterior part of many animals. It contains several of the most important sensory organs and nerve centers. For example: “The police found the woman’s torso inside the house and, about 100 meters away, the woman’s head was found […]

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Definition of medulla oblongata

The medulla oblongata is a segment of the brain stem that is located between the annular protuberance and the foramen magnum of the skull. The term, which is used in the field of anatomy, can also be referred to as the medulla oblongata or myelencephalon. It should be noted that the bulb, from the Latin bulbus, is a biological structure in the form of a […]

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Definition of muscle contraction

A muscle contraction is a physiological process developed by muscles when, depending on the tension, they stretch or shorten. This process is controlled by the central nervous system and allows the production of motor force. From the Latin contractĭo, contraction is the action and effect of contracting or contracting. The term refers to the reduction to […]

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Definition of contraction

Contraction is a term that comes from a Latin word and refers to the action and effect of contracting or contracting. This verb is related to tightening or joining something with another thing; acquiring customs, vices or illnesses; reducing to a smaller size; or celebrating the marriage contract. For example: “With the first contraction, […]

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Definition of heart rate

From the Latin frequentia, frequency is the minor or major repetition of an event. It is the number of times a certain periodic process is repeated in a time unit. The greater the frequency, the greater the repetition or assiduity. Cardiac, from the Latin cardiacus, is that which belongs to or relates to the heart. This muscular organ, which in the […]

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Definition of pulse

Born as a derivation of the Latin word pulsus, the word pulse describes the beating of the arteries as a result of the continuous flow of blood pumped by the heart muscle. With the wave of distension caused by the advance of the blood, the artery expands and this movement can be perceived in various parts of the body, […]

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Definition of spine

The vertebral column is the skeletal axis of beings with vertebrae, formed by this series of small bones. This axis is located along the so-called dorsal midline of the organism. The concept of column refers to the vertical support used to bear the weight of something. Vertebral, on the other hand, is the […]

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