

Latest articles in Anatomy

Definition of peripheral nervous system

The peripheral nervous system is the part of the nervous system where the cranial and spinal nerves can be seen. It should be noted that the nervous system is the network of tissues that is responsible for capturing and processing signals so that the organism can interact effectively with the environment. This system is made up of […]

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Definition of central nervous system

The central nervous system is the area of ​​the nervous system that includes the spinal cord and the brain. According to medicine, the concept of the nervous system refers to the network of tissues that is responsible for capturing and processing stimuli so that the body can carry out an effective interaction with the environment. […]

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Definition of nervous system

The nervous system is a network of tissues that is responsible for capturing and processing signals so that the organism develops an effective interaction with the environment. It should be noted that a system is an ordered module of elements that interact with each other and are interrelated. The notion is used to name the […]

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Definition of bile

Bile is a yellowish juice secreted by the liver of vertebrates. It is a liquid substance that acts in digestion, acting as an emulsifier of fatty acids. We must go back to Latin if we want to find the etymological origin of the term we are dealing with here. When we […]

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Definition of prolapse

Prolapse is a concept used in medicine that comes from the Latin prolapsus, a conjugation of the verb prolābi («to fall», «to slide»). Prolapse, therefore, refers to the fall or descent of an organ. It can be a partial or total fall of the viscera. Due to prolapse, it is possible that organs come out of […]

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Definition of soma

Soma is a concept with multiple meanings. Derived from the Latin summa, the word can be used to identify a variety of coarse flour and bread made with this ingredient. The notion also serves to refer to the entire body structure of living organisms, except for the gametes. Soma as a plant […]

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Definition of basal

Determining the etymological origin of the term basal leads us to determine that it is a mixture of Greek and Latin components. Thus, we can clearly see that it is the result of the sum of the Greek noun basis and the Latin suffix -al, which is synonymous with “relative to”. Basal is that which is located at the base of […]

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Definition of supine

From the Latin supīnus, supine is an adjective that refers to that which belongs to or relates to supination (the position of a person who is lying on their back or of a hand that shows the palm facing up). For example: “The doctor asked me to place myself in a supine position to proceed with the analysis”, “We have […]

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Definition of bruxism

Bruxism is the involuntary grinding of the teeth. This disorder, which affects more than 10% of the population, usually occurs while the person is sleeping. For example: “The dentist recommended that I use a sleeping plate to treat bruxism”, “I didn’t know why I was waking up with a headache until I was diagnosed with bruxism”, […]

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Definition of prostate

The prostate is a small, reddish gland present in the male body and in male members of mammalian families. It is located next to the bladder and the urethra. This glandular organ with a chestnut-like appearance is characterized by secreting a viscous, whitish substance that nourishes the prostate.

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