

Latest articles in Anatomy

Definition of hemiplegia

Hemiplegia is a term used in the field of medicine to refer to the paralysis of one side of the body. This means that a person who suffers from hemiplegia will have one side of their body paralyzed. The first step that must be taken to understand the causes of hemiplegia is to understand the causes of hemiplegia.

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Definition of front

Forehead is a concept used to name the upper part of the face. The forehead, therefore, extends from above the eyes until the skull begins to curve. For example: «When you worry, your forehead wrinkles», «The player was left lying down after a blow to the forehead», […]

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Definition of dendrite

The dendrite is a protoplasmic extension with branches that is part of a nerve cell and allows it to receive stimulation from the outside environment. Dendrites, therefore, are terminal branches present in neurons that guarantee the reception of nerve impulses arriving from an axon corresponding to another neuron. The dendrite is a branch that connects the nerves to the nerves […]

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Definition of larynx

Larynx is a term that refers to the tubular organ that is located between the pharynx and the trachea. The larynx, which appears in most vertebrates, is made up of nine cartilages (connected by ligaments and small muscles) and is a key part of the phonation apparatus of mammals. Before moving on, we will […]

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Definition of tear

Tear is a term derived from the Latin lacrima, which refers to the drop secreted by the tear gland. This liquid helps clean and lubricate the eye, promoting healthy functioning of the eyeball. The act of crying, on the other hand, involves shedding tears as a reaction to an emotional state, without causing a […]

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Definition of laceration

Laceration, from the Latin laceratio, is the action and effect of lacerating. This verb refers to hurting, wounding, bruising, damaging, harming or afflicting. It can therefore be used in a physical sense (a specific, bodily wound) or in a symbolic sense (an emotional wound). For example: “The doctors said it was a significant laceration that […]

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Definition of cardiovascular system

The cardiovascular system encompasses those structures that allow blood and lymphatic circulation. The concept can be used as a synonym for the circulatory system. A system is an organized structure of components that maintain interrelations. These components can be physical or symbolic. Cardiovascular, on the other hand, is a term linked to the heart and the circulatory system. Functioning of the cardiovascular system is […]

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Definition of autonomic nervous system

The autonomic nervous system receives information from the internal environment and sends a response to the muscles, glands and blood vessels. The functions of this nervous system, also known as the vegetative nervous system, are involuntary and are activated from nerve centers located in the hypothalamus, the brain stem and the nervous system.

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Definition of endocrine system

The endocrine system is made up of the set of endocrine glands. Its components are organs that secrete hormones, which are released into the bloodstream and are responsible for regulating the various functions of the body. A system is an ordered module of interrelated elements that interact with each other. These elements […]

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Definition of respiratory system

System, from the Latin systema, is an ordered module of elements that are interrelated and interact with each other. The notion can refer to both real objects (material) and abstract concepts (symbolic) that are endowed with organization. Respiratory, on the other hand, is that which serves for breathing or facilitates this process […]

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