

Latest articles in Anatomy

Definition of chyme

Chyme is a word that comes from the Latin chymus, although its most distant etymological antecedent is found in a word from the Greek language that can be translated as “juice”. It is the paste resulting from the mixture of the food bolus with various substances present in the stomach. When a person ingests food, the […]

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Definition of jaw

Jaw is a term in our language that can be used in reference to different issues. Its etymological origin is found in the Latin word capseum. The jaw, for example, is the name given to each jaw of a vertebrate animal. In this sense, it is a flat and dense bone with the appearance of a horseshoe that […]

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Definition of chiasma

Chiasma is a concept that comes from the Greek language, whose etymology refers to something that is arranged in a crossed manner. The notion is used in biology to name the crossing that certain organic structures perform. It can be said, therefore, that chiasma involves the crossing of a pair of chromosomes […]

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Definition of keratin

Keratin is a type of protein that contributes to the hardening of the surface layer of the skin and hair, feathers, hooves, horns and other derivatives. It has a high amount of sulfur and a structure that is classified as secondary, since this bioprotein takes a spiral shape when it is […]

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Definition of keloid

Keloid is a lesion that appears on the skin due to the excessive expansion of scar tissue. When an injury occurs on the skin, it heals: the appearance of a keloid implies the additional growth of scar tissue in the same place, where the original injury has already healed. A trauma, a vaccine, etc. can cause […]

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Definition of pupil

The pupil is the black circle located in the middle of the iris, which allows light to enter. This opening, which can contract or dilate according to needs, is responsible for regulating the level of light that reaches the retina. Normally, the pupil is between three and nine centimeters wide.

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Definition of fist

Fist is a notion that derives from pugnus, a Latin term. The concept has several uses that are linked, in one way or another, to the hand. The fist, thus, can be the closed hand and that which can be contained within it. A fist blow, therefore, is one that […]

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Definition of protrusion

Protrusion is a commonly used term that, however, is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). Why, then, is it a frequently used concept? It is an incorrect derivation of protrusion (the process and consequences of protruding: the displacement of an organ beyond its normal location […]

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Definition of protuberance

Protuberance is a term that comes from the Latin word protuberantia. It is a protrusion, a relief, a swelling or a swelling. For example: «The doctor suggested that I do a study to analyze the bump that appeared on my neck», «This bump is the testimony of the blow I received last night», «Toys with bumps on them are […]

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Definition of protrusion

Protrusion is the process and result of protruding. This verb refers to the action that an organ performs when it protrudes from its normal location or moves beyond its limits, either due to a natural cause or due to some type of pathology. Among the most common protrusions are […]

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