

Latest articles in Anatomy

Definition of synarthrosis

Synarthrosis is the name given to a joint that lacks movement. It should be remembered that, in the field of anatomy, a joint is the link that exists between one bone and another or between a bone and a cartilage. Before moving forward, it is interesting to know the etymological origin of the term. In this sense we can […]

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Definition of saliva

Saliva is the liquid produced in the mouth that softens food to make it easier to swallow. The term has its etymological root in the Latin word salīva. This colorless fluid with a certain viscosity is produced by the salivary glands. Estimates indicate that these glands produce and deposit in the mouth […]

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Definition of sacrum

Sacrum is a term that can be used in different ways. In anatomy, it is the name of a bone composed of vertebrae joined together that, when articulated with other bones, forms the pelvis. By extension, the term sacrum refers to that part of the body, located in the lower part of the spine. […]

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Definition of yolk sac

The yolk sac is the bag that houses yolk inside and that allows the embryos of certain species to feed in the initial stages of development. It should be noted that a sac is a container, a receptacle or a container that houses something inside. Vitelline, on the other hand, is an adjective that means […]

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Definition of amniotic sac

The amniotic sac is the membrane lining that develops on the eighth or ninth day after fertilization to cover the embryo. This sac is composed of the amnion (the inner membrane that contains the fetus and has amniotic fluid) and the chorion (the outer membrane that forms part of the placenta and […]

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Definition of blush

Blushing is a concept that comes from the Latin language and refers to a reddish or blushing tone. The term is usually used to refer to the color that the face takes on when a person feels embarrassed or nervous. For example: “While giving her speech, the girl began to show a certain blush on her face […]

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Definition of patella

Patella is a term derived from the Latin word rotŭla, which refers to a small wheel. The term is used to name the bone located in the anterior part of the knee and which allows the articulation between the tibia and the femur. With a rounded shape, this bone, which is also known as the patella, is a small, rounded bone that is located in the anterior part of the knee.

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Definition of rosacea

Rosacea is a term that has many uses. The term can refer to a chronic skin disease characterized by facial redness. Due to its characteristics, rosacea can be confused with dermatitis or acne. Rosacea can include the appearance of pustules, papules and erythemas, which are different types of skin lesions.

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Definition of face

Face is a term in our language that comes from the Latin word rostrum. The most common use of this concept refers to the face of human beings. For example: “Juani started crying because the ball hit her in the face”, “I fell and a mark was left on my face, just below my eye […]

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Definition of knee

Knee is a term that comes from rotella, a Latin term that is a diminutive of rota (“wheel”). The concept is used to name the area of ​​the body where the thigh joins the leg. The knee is a joint that is formed from the union of the femur and the tibia. […]

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