

Latest articles in Anatomy

Definition of blood pressure

Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by the arteries on the bloodstream that circulates through them. It should be noted that tension is the state in which a body is under the influence of opposing forces. Arterial, on the other hand, is that which is related to the arteries: the vessels that allow blood to flow through the body.

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Definition of tendonitis

Tendinitis is a term used in medicine to describe what happens when a tendon becomes inflamed. Tendons, on the other hand, are fibrous structures whose most important function is to connect muscles to bones. Tendinitis can occur for many reasons. Tendonitis is a condition that is caused by a muscle […]

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Definition of body temperature

Body temperature is the temperature that is recorded in the body of a person or an animal. This temperature varies according to the time of day, although it is generally accepted that the temperature considered normal in humans is around 37º C. It should be noted that temperature is a magnitude that reflects the amount of heat […]

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Definition of tendon

Tendon is a term used in anatomy to name a fibrous structure that has great resistance. Tendons, which are composed of fibers that are part of connective tissues, are found in striated muscles. It should be noted that tendon comes from the Greek tenon, which was used in two senses: to […]

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Definition of cellular tissue

The notion of tissue has multiple meanings: it can be a fabric or a product that was made by weaving, to name a few possibilities. Cellular, on the other hand, is that which is linked to cells (the microscopic and fundamental unit that constitutes living beings). Cellular tissue is known as the grouping of cells […]

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Definition of blood tissue

The notion of tissue can be used in different contexts. In botany, anatomy and zoology, a tissue is a group of cells that, acting in a coordinated manner, have a common purpose. Sanguine, on the other hand, is that which is linked to blood (the reddish liquid that, through the veins, arteries and tissues, is the reddish liquid that is carried to the body through the veins, arteries and tissues, and ...

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Definition of bone tissue

Bone tissue is the component of bones. It is a set of cells with extensive extensions and organic matter, which contains calcium salts. This element is what gives bones their rigidity and strength. We must not forget that bone tissue is considered to be the one that […]

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Definition of connective tissue

Connective tissue is a formation of cells and homogeneous matter that is traversed by various fibers. The function of connective tissues is to provide support to the organism and promote the integration of its different systems. Among the multiple meanings of the term tissue, on this occasion we are interested in focusing on its meaning in anatomy, physiology, and […]

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Definition of nervous tissue

Nervous tissue is the tissue that makes up the organs that form part of the nervous system. This particular tissue is formed by two types of cells: glial cells (or neuroglia cells) and nerve cells (known as neurons), along with their extensions. It should be noted that botany, zoology and anatomy […]

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Definition of tachypnea

Tachypnea is the name given to an increase in the respiratory rate or rhythm. This rate refers to the number of breaths (inhalations and exhalations) that a person takes in a certain period of time. The nervous system is responsible for regulating this rhythm, which is generally measured in the number of breaths per minute.

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