

Latest articles in Anatomy

Definition of brain stem

The brain stem is a structure that is composed of the medulla oblongata, the pons, and the midbrain. This is a region also known as the brain stem that is key to heart rate and breathing, among other organic functions. The medulla oblongata, which can be called the medulla oblongata, is the segment of the brain stem that is located in the middle of the brain […]

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Definition of triceps

The triceps is a muscle that has three distinct sectors. A muscle, on the other hand, is an organ formed by fibers capable of contracting. Anatomy recognizes different triceps in the human body. Each one fulfills specific functions. Types of triceps The triceps surae is located in the leg, where the triceps […]

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Definition of traumatology

The first thing we are going to do to discover the meaning of the term traumatology is to know its etymological origin. In this sense, we can say that it derives from Greek, specifically, it comes from the sum of two components of that language: -The noun traumas, which can be translated as "wound". -The noun logia, which is equivalent to "science", […]

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Definition of torticollis

Torticollis is a disorder that affects the neck area through spasms that generate pain and force the head to remain still. The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) mentions that the term is masculine (el tortícolis), although in colloquial language it is usually used in the feminine (la tortícolis). Torticollis is a condition that affects the neck […]

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Definition of torso

Torso is a concept that refers to the trunk of a human body. The torso, therefore, is the body without the legs, arms and head. For example: “Yesterday I was sunbathing without a shirt and I got sunburned on my torso”, “The referee called ‘handball’, but in reality the ball hit […]

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Definition of sprain

A sprain is the act and consequence of twisting or twisting. The concept is often used in medicine to refer to what happens when an organ or limb is damaged by having deviated from its usual direction. When the soft tissues around the joints are damaged, the injury is caused by a sprain.

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Definition of ankle

Ankle is a term that has its etymological root in the Latin word tubellum. It is the area of ​​the body that connects the leg to the foot. The ankle is composed of the talus (bone that belongs to the foot), the tibia and the fibula. A series of tendons, muscles and ligaments are located on the ankle […]

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Definition of tissue

Tissue is an adjective used in the field of biology to refer to something linked to a tissue. It should be remembered that tissues are groups of cells that act in a coordinated manner to perform a certain function. Tissue damage is usually used to refer to some type of injury or harm […]

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Definition of eardrum

The eardrum is a membrane found in the middle ear of vertebrate animals, separating this sector from the external auditory canal. The term has its etymological origin in the Latin tympănum, in turn derived from the Greek language. This thin and elastic membrane serves as communication between the middle ear and the external ear.

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Definition of tibia

The tibia is a large bone found in the leg that articulates with the talus, fibula and femur. The term came to our language from the Latin word tibĭa. The tibia has a diaphysis, a distal epiphysis and a proximal epiphysis. It is often said that this bone is the […]

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