

Latest articles in Anatomy

Definition of fissure

Coming from the Latin word scissura, the idea of ​​fissure can be used to refer to an opening or crack that is recorded in some structure. It can be a groove that originates naturally or is produced by some type of injury or illness. It is common for the concept of fissure to be used to name a structure that is […]

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Definition of kyphosis

The etymological root of kyphosis is found in kýphos, a Greek word that can be translated as “convex”. Kýphos derived from kýphōsis, which came to our language as kyphosis: an atypical curvature of the spine in the dorsal area. Let us remember that the spine is the axis of the skeleton of vertebrates such as humans.

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Definition of sciatica

The concept of sciatica or sciatic, which derives from the late Latin sciatĭcus, can be used in different ways. As an adjective, it refers to that which is linked to the hip (the protruding parts formed by the bones above the pelvis). The notion can also refer to the sciatic nerve: the thickest and longest in the body, […]

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Definition of cervical

The adjective cervical, which comes from the Latin cervicālis, is used to describe that which is linked to the cervix: the dorsal part of the neck. In humans, the cervix is ​​made up of seven vertebrae, as well as various muscles. The cervical vertebrae are short bones that are articulated with each other. They are located between the […]

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Definition of eyebrow

The eyebrow is the prominent part of the face that is located above the eye socket and is covered with hair. This hair is also known as the eyebrow. For example: “In the middle of the riots, a young man received a stone in the right eyebrow that caused a deep cut”, […]

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Definition of cavity

A cavity is a hollow area found in a body or object. Biology recognizes different cavities in the human body: the largest is called the abdominal cavity. This cavity, which is also present in various animals, provides space for a large number of organs, such as the kidneys, […]

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Definition of cardiovascular

Before proceeding to know the meaning of the term cardiovascular, it is necessary to choose to discover its etymological origin. In this case, it must be indicated that it is a neologism, which is the result of the sum of the following clearly delimited parts: -The Greek noun «kardia», which can be translated as «heart». -The Latin word […]

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Definition of karyokinesis

The etymology of karyokinesis refers to two words from the Greek language: káryon (which can be translated as “nucleus”) and kínēsis (a notion that refers to “movement”). The concept is used in the context of biology to refer to the process that causes the nucleus of a cell to divide. Karyokinesis is a process that occurs when the nucleus of a cell divides […]

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Definition of cardiac

The adjective cardiac, which can also be written and pronounced with the accent cardiaco, comes from the Latin word cardiăcus, which in turn derives from the Greek kardiakós. The concept refers to that which is linked to the heart. To understand what the idea of ​​cardiac refers to, therefore, it is necessary to be clear about what is […]

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Definition of cardia

The term cardia comes from kardia, a Greek word that can be translated as “stomach”. The concept is used to name the opening that, in terrestrial vertebrate animals, allows communication between the esophagus and the stomach. The cardia, which can be called the gastroesophageal junction, is located in the area where the esophagus and the stomach meet.

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