

Latest articles in Anatomy

Definition of interstice

Before entering fully into the meaning of the term interstice, we are going to proceed to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can establish that it derives from Latin, exactly from the word "interstitium", which can be translated as "space between two bodies" and that it is the result of the sum of three lexical components: -The prefix "inter-", [ …]

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Definition of insertion

Insertion is the act and result of inserting or inserting. The verb insert refers to introducing or including, while insertir refers to injerir (graft, insert). The notion of insertion, therefore, can appear in different contexts and with different meanings, although similar to each other. In the field of sociology, […]

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Definition of innervation

Innervation is a concept that is used in the field of anatomy to name the action developed by the nervous system on organ functions. The verb innervate, in this framework, is used with respect to what a nerve does when it reaches some body structure. When the motor fibers send impulses […]

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Definition of ileum

Before entering fully into the meaning of the term ileum, we are going to proceed to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we have to emphasize that it is a word that derives from Greek, exactly from “eileos”, which can be translated as “intestinal” or “torsion”. Term that, in turn, emanates from the verb “eilein”, which […]

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Definition of humerus

The Latin word humĕrus came into Spanish as humerus. This is the name given to a bone found in the arm, being the largest of the upper extremities. At its lower end the humerus connects with the radius and ulna through the elbow joint, while at its upper end it […]

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Definition of snout

The prominent sector of the face of certain animals, in which the nose and mouth are located, is called the snout. The snouts are very diverse according to the species in question. Dogs are among the many animals that have snouts. In the Afghan hound, for example, the snout is elongated, […]

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Definition of hernia

A hernia is a protrusion of an organ, which leaves its normal structure. The idea of ​​protrusion refers to a forward movement, causing a part of the body to protrude beyond its usual limit. This means that, when a hernia occurs, there is a tissue or organ that escapes from the cavity that […]

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Definition of red blood cells

In Greek is where we can establish that the etymological origin of the term red blood cells that concerns us now is found. Specifically, it must be established that it is the result of adding two lexical components of said language, such as the following: -The noun haima, which is synonymous with "blood." -The suffix -ies, which is used […]

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Definition of cleft

A cleft is a fissure or cut that occurs in a solid surface that fails to separate or divide. The term is also used to name a narrow and shallow opening. For example: “It is important to control tire cracks since wear increases the risk of […]

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Definition of guttural

When discovering the meaning of the term guttural, it is necessary, first of all, to know the etymological origin of this word. In this case, we can determine that it derives from Latin, exactly it comes from “gutturalis”, which, in turn, comes from “guttur, gutturis” which is synonymous with “throat”. This term is used to describe […]

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