Definition of


university class

The particular subject taught by a professor is called a professorship.

From the Latin cathedra (which, in turn, has origins in a Greek word that means "seat" ), the chair is the particular subject or faculty taught by a professor (a professor who has met certain requirements to impart knowledge and who has reached the highest position in teaching). The term is also used to name the employment and practice of the professor .

For example: “The head of the chair has not yet appeared at the university,” “The Gómez chair is the most difficult in Latin American History,” “The head of this chair is a researcher trained in North America, with extensive work experience.” field” .

The notion of chair is also used to name the classroom in a teaching center , the elevated seat from which a teacher teaches classes , and the type of pulpit with a seat where professors explain content to students .

The concept in religion and colloquial language

For religion , the chair is the chair that the bishop occupies in his cathedral during liturgical services. By extension, choir chairs, pulpits, confessionals, the womb where the prelate resides or even the episcopal dignity are usually known as cathedra.

In colloquial language, the lecture is linked to a high degree of knowledge or skill , often linked to performance in a game or sport : “Lend me the racket, I'm going to give a lecture on how to play tennis on cement” , “ The player gave a lecture and scored three goals in twenty minutes,” “I can't stand Ernesto when he talks about politics: he always tries to lecture, as if we were stupid.”

Academic freedom

A right that is fundamental in the academic field is known as academic freedom . It is about the right to practice as a Higher Teacher with total freedom, that is, without doctrinal limits impeding the healthy flow of knowledge and debate.

It is part of the concept of academic freedom , which also includes the freedom of all teachers to carry out research and dissemination work, to express with complete openness their opinions about the educational institution or the system under which they work, to fight against attempts at censorship and membership in academic organizations or professional bodies.

It is important to note that academic freedom has certain limits, as occurs in the rest of the cases. The media often publish stories about university professors who instill strong anti-constitutional ideas and opinions in their students, in their eagerness to transmit a way of thinking that they consider correct; but this sparks a wide debate.


Academic freedom is very important in academic life.

Limits to teaching activity

Firstly, the exercise of this freedom by teachers must be carried out within a framework of fidelity to the Constitution itself ; In no case is a demonstration contrary to the values ​​consecrated by it justified, although this does not mean that it is not possible to rationally criticize its precepts, with the aim of encouraging students to think for themselves, to accept the mandates through of the analysis.

On the other hand, a correct interpretation of the declaration of academic freedom clearly highlights that it is about the absence of barriers to teaching within the framework of the contents related to the subject matter taught, which does not include the right not to work, or to instill ideas outside the program.

Likewise, every student has the right to rely on alternative theories and content to those dictated by their teachers, as established by freedom of study , which should not have a negative impact on their academic life. This can be interpreted as another limit of academic freedom, given that its exercise should not violate the rights of students.