Definition of


The Greek word katálogos , which can be translated as "list" , came into Latin as catalŏgus . This is where the term catalog comes from: a record that presents, in an orderly manner, descriptions and general data of individuals, objects, documents or other things that maintain some type of link between themselves.

CatalogFor example: "I'm going to see in the catalog if we have any books by that author," "According to the catalog, these pants are available in black, white, blue and green," "For years I lived off the income I obtained thanks to the Catalog sales .

Catalogs are intended to facilitate access to a certain element. A library , for example, can have a digital catalog with information about its books, including the location of each copy. In this way, when a person asks about the availability of a book, the librarian can consult the catalog to find out if the work in question is part of the library and where it is stored.

Many businesses also have catalogs to search for their products . These catalogs can be delivered to potential buyers so that they themselves know the establishment's commercial offering. A manufacturer of cell phones (mobile phones) can distribute catalogs with all their models, prices and how to buy them.

This type of commercial catalog must be established as an essential element for companies and salespeople who sell their products. Specifically, in that document, in order to achieve the best results, the following aspects that we indicate must be included:

-Photographs of each and every one of the products must appear.

-Likewise, each product must contain a brief description. Specifically, it must include everything from its composition to its dimensions, including details of the manufacturing process, the color...

However, depending on the type of article, diagrams and plans of the article , graphics on the functions it performs, instructions for proceeding with its assembly, the after-sales service that exists... may also be included.

More and more companies do not hesitate to have a digital catalogue. If they do so, it is because they consider that it brings with it a long list of advantages, among which we highlight the following:

-It is easier, faster and more effective to reach the client and, furthermore, a greater number of clients. And any of these can be consulted online.

-Gives the possibility of entering more information about each item.

-It saves time and money for the customer because they will not have to go to the physical store itself to see the products. You can directly view and consult them at home through a computer, tablet or mobile phone.

-In addition, the visual impact is more forceful on the client.

There is a commercial modality, on the other hand, known as catalog sales . It is a system based on the delivery of catalogs so that the buyer can select the products and request them by telephone or Internet . After placing the order and defining the payment method, the person receives their purchase at their home.