Definition of



The chasuble is part of the priests' clothing during the celebration of mass.

Chasuble is a term from the Low Latin casubla , which can be translated as “hooded cloak.” This is the name given to a garment that priests use when celebrating mass .

The chasuble is a long garment that covers the rest of the clothing. It has, in its center, an opening through which the head can pass. This type of clothing is used by priests of the Roman rite , by Lutheran ministers in Scandinavia and, in certain events, by Anglicans .

Origins of the chasuble

According to historians, the chasuble derives from the penula that was used in Ancient Rome . The penula was a cape (a coat) that was worn over the head and lacked sleeves. The penula was generally carried when traveling because it provided protection from rain .

It can be said that the chasuble has its origin in that garment. All clerics used to use it in the liturgy until, starting in the 9th century , the dalmatic and the tunicela were imposed according to the hierarchy given by the order achieved.

The first chasubles were made with wool and then they began to be made with silk , also adding various embroidery. Over time , it was decided to minimize the weight of the garment and to favor the mobility of the priests through cutouts on the sides.

The historical development of the chasuble also brought differences between the garments used by the churches of different countries . According to the festivity, meanwhile, the colors of the clothing change.


The color of the chasuble depends on what is established in the liturgical year.

Uses and colors

The characteristics of the chasuble are defined in the Roman missal , a liturgical book that details how the mass should be celebrated according to this rite . There it is indicated that the chasuble should be the priest's vestment during mass.

If there are several priests at the ceremony, all must wear the chasuble; However, if there is not sufficient availability of these vestments, the person who must wear them is the main celebrant. The bishops , for their part, use the chasuble as their outer vestment.

The missal states that the chasuble should be worn over the stole (the band worn around the neck) and the alb (a tunic). Its color must correspond to that which marks the liturgical year .

Thus, the chasuble can be white, purple, green, pink, red or blue depending on the celebration. Each shade has a meaning: white, for example, is associated with purity and glory, while green means hope and red is linked to the blood of Christ.

What does the chasuble symbolize?

In Roman Apostolic Catholicism , this vestment is understood to symbolize charity , allowing sins to be covered. Furthermore, as it rests on the shoulders, it represents the gentle yoke of God .

The decoration of the chasuble, on the other hand, reminds us that the mass is not just another activity: it is a sacred event of great importance.

Other meanings of the concept

The Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), in its dictionary, refers to another use of chasuble that occurs particularly in Honduras .

The chasuble, in this sense, is the shell that certain grains have. Coffee and rice have a chasuble; In the case of rice, this husk can be used to make ecological building blocks and biofuel.