Definition of



Spanish is a language that is spoken mainly in Latin America.

From the Latin castellānus , the concept of Castilian refers to those born in Castile and to those belonging to or related to this region of Spain . On the other hand, the word Castilian is used as a synonym for the Spanish language , especially to mark a distinction between the other languages ​​that are also spoken in Spanish territory.

In this sense, Castilian is a Romance language of the Iberian group . It is one of the six official languages ​​of the United Nations (UN) and the second most spoken language in the world according to the number of speakers who have it as their mother tongue . On the other hand, Spanish is the second most studied language in the world, behind English .

Emergence and development of Spanish

This language is a modern continuation of spoken Latin (known as Vulgar Latin ), which began to develop after the disintegration of the Roman Empire . Thanks to its spread throughout America , Spanish is the Neo-Latin language that has achieved the greatest diffusion.

Such is the growth that this language has experienced throughout history that we are now concerned with that it has currently become the second most spoken language in the world, after Mandarin Chinese, based on the number of people on the planet who use it. they have as their mother tongue. Specifically, the figures being considered determine that there are 420 million Spanish-speaking people.

Likewise, we cannot forget, among some curious facts, that it is the third most used language on the Internet.


The Castilian language is also known as Spanish.

The language according to the region

The majority of Spanish speakers are found in Latin America . Of the countries with a Spanish-speaking majority, only Spain and Equatorial Guinea are outside of America .

In the United States , the increase in the Latino population has generated great progress in this language. Even in some regions like Miami , Spanish is spoken as much as English. According to the Cervantes Institute , the number of Spanish students in the United States grew by 70% between 1986 and 1990 , given the importance that the language began to acquire in the Western world.

Other uses of the concept of Spanish

In addition to everything stated above, we have to determine that there are other meanings for the Spanish term. Thus, it also refers to both the lord who owns a castle and the governor of said fortress.

In this area we have to emphasize, in the same way, that Castilian was also known as the knight who in the Middle Ages had weapons and two horses that were used to work for a lord or a king during battles. Together with him and the rest of his vassals he fought in them and in the end what he obtained as a reward were lands that allowed him to increase his fortune and have a good position.

A time that we have referred to during which there was also a gold coin that was called Castilian and that was typical of the area of ​​Castile .