Definition of


DandruffDandruff is the accumulation of crusts or flakes of dead skin cells on the scalp. These flakes are white in color and can cause various discomforts to the person.

It is important to note that it is normal for dead skin to form these crusts. However, in certain cases, the accumulation of dandruff becomes excessive due to various pathologies and causes irritation and itching . In addition, when an individual who has a lot of dandruff scratches himself, he can cause a wound and suffer an infection.

The natural formation of dandruff is due to the growth of the skin. This causes epidermal cells to be moved out of the skin, where they die. When, for some reason, this cell renewal occurs too quickly, the level of dandruff increases excessively.

The increase in dandruff on the scalp is usually due to the action of a fungus that metabolizes human fat. The proliferation of this fungus affects the normal renewal of cells.

Overactive sebaceous glands, stress , some allergies, certain shampoos and dyes, ultraviolet rays, dust and even very cold and dry weather can cause an increase in dandruff. To reduce dandruff, it is recommended to use shampoos with active ingredients such as ketoconazole, salicylic acid and selenium sulfide and to adopt a diet rich in zinc (found in nuts, pork and other foods).

As for the consequences of dandruff in daily life, these are diverse, depending on the age of the person and the environment in which they interact with society. Generally, dandruff appears during adolescence , along with other disorders that affect physical appearance, such as acne and obesity; at that age, a problem of this type can be very difficult to overcome, given the cruelty of the school environment.

Generally, no one likes to be considered a “dirty person”, and dandruff often gives that image, even if it has nothing to do with the level of hygiene . If we add to this the typical pressures of adolescence, a stage in which human beings begin to come into contact with their sexuality and want to feel attractive, dandruff can become a great nightmare that affects our self-esteem in a very negative way.

DandruffWhen faced with a recurrent and very evident case of dandruff, each person leans towards different methods , some more effective than others; however, not everyone chooses to do responsible research , and often makes the situation worse by making decisions such as washing their hair with very hot water or several times a day.

Some of the home remedies to treat dandruff are as follows:

* Prepare an infusion with boiled water and dandelion branches, let it sit for a few minutes and drink. It is recommended to take it three times a day until the situation improves;

* Horsetail also seems to be very effective in fighting dandruff, and another infusion can be prepared with this plant . To do this, apply a tablespoon per cup of water and drink once a day;

* Scalp massages with certain natural products can be very beneficial in treating a case of dandruff. Cypress branches offer very good results: just add a bunch to a litre of water and boil for a few minutes, let it cool and apply the mixture to your head after your usual wash with gentle but constant movements.