Definition of


The concept of a poster refers to a sheet that presents some type of information that is intended to be disseminated. These are generally advertisements located in visible places in public spaces.

SignFor example: “Have you seen the new sign for the hamburger restaurant? They will offer discounts throughout the month” , “The government will put up posters in public schools to teach children how to protect themselves from dengue” , “I just went to the store but I couldn't buy anything: there was a sign on the door that said 'Closed' due to grief.'”

Advertising posters are advertisements that companies develop to promote their products and services. It is common for them to include images and texts, so that the potential client or consumer receives the information that the company is interested in making known.

A poster can also be used to announce an event . The premiere of a movie in a cinema, a boxing match that will take place in a sports center, a concert in a theater or the holding of a fair are some of the activities that can motivate the creation of a poster.

The movie poster is one of the most important types that exist. It is used to advertise a film and is placed not only on the facades of cinemas but also on numerous marquees and streets in cities. Everything so that citizens are aware of the premiere of that film. In the same way, this poster will also be in charge of serving as the cover of the DVDs of that feature film when they go on sale.

Within the history of this film poster, it should be noted that it has evolved greatly and that it has been influenced by the different artistic currents that have emerged over time. Thus, we can find beautiful jewels such as the following:

-The poster for the movie “The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari” (1919) which is influenced by German Expressionism.

-The poster for the feature film “The Yellow Submarine” (1968) is an example of pop art.

A curious thing about movie posters is that many of those made throughout history have been victims of censorship. Thus, in Spain, during the postwar period, those that featured women's necklines or dresses that were too tight were attacked and had to be modified.

Posters are also placed on public roads during election campaigns . In this case, the poster is a means of political propaganda that serves to present the photograph of a candidate along with the shield of his political party and the electoral slogan.

Luminous or electronic signs , for their part, are not printed sheets, but rather use technology to display data.

It should be noted that the term can also be used to name an agreement between different companies to not compete with each other and regulate the functioning of the market through prices and other variables.

Those who are in favor of the cartel within the field of economics consider that it is really beneficial. Specifically, they consider that it brings with it advantages such as eliminating high tariffs, reducing production costs or distributing benefits in a more equitable way.

This is also the name given to the criminal organization dedicated to the sale of weapons or drugs. In these latter cases, the word can also be accented on the letter A ( cartel ).