Definition of

Forklift truck

garden wheelbarrow

Wheelbarrow with a single wheel, classic design

Carretilla is the diminutive of cart : a type of cart . A small handcart that has a drawer for loading is called a wheelbarrow.

Transfer of materials

The wheelbarrows have two rods, rods or handles that allow it to be driven and two feet that can be used to support it. Wheelbarrows generally have a single wheel .

Frequently used on construction sites to transport materials , the wheelbarrow must be lifted by its handles, so that only the wheel remains in contact with the surface. The person, in this way, drags the wheelbarrow by turning the wheel.

What a forklift allows, in short, is to increase the transportation capacity that an individual has . Thanks to its design, the forklift allows a single person to lift and move a considerable load .

Origin of the wheelbarrow

Wheelbarrows are believed to have been invented in the 3rd century BC . Its appearance took place in Chinese territory . The first records of wheelbarrows on the European continent, however, are more recent, dating back to the 13th century .

Its use in China was led by General Shu , a soldier who took advantage of it to supply his armies. Regarding its creator, it is estimated that it was Zhuge Liang . One of the motivations for its invention was the impossibility of taking wagons through the narrowest sections of the roads that crossed the mountains. The main factor was the elimination of one of the two wheels, and thus Liang found the key so that all the weight was supported by a single one.

As usually happens in these cases, for a long time the Chinese people did not share this idea with other peoples , since the wheelbarrow became a strategic element that gave them a great advantage when carrying weapons and ammunition on mountain trails. high altitude, and also for the transportation of wounded and deceased soldiers on the battlefield.

Cargo truck

There are other types of instruments or vehicles that are also called wheelbarrows. In this sense we can name the cargo forklift , which is shaped like the letter L. It is also called a cargo car, mare, diablito or troco , depending on the Spanish-speaking region.

This wheelbarrow has handles on its upper section and a shelf-like base that rests on two wheels. To move a load, the base must be placed under the objects and tilted backwards. Thus the load is supported on the rear area of ​​the forklift and the weight is balanced on the wheels.


The forklift allows you to transport considerable loads


The forklift is a vehicle that uses a pair of forks on its front to carry loads such as a container or a pallet. Other names for this motorized tool are forklift , bull and forklift . Its most distinctive feature is that the position of the forks on the vertical axis can be controlled, so that the load can be picked up and deposited at different heights.

As there is a large number of possible configurations and classes of vehicles with similar characteristics and applications, the condition to distinguish a forklift from others is that it can support the load supported on its forks, both for its transfer and for its movement through the axle. vertical. There are models of small size and compact design that can only accept a maximum load of one thousand kilograms, as opposed to others that have the size and strength to handle the total load of a truck.